Yaku who had gotten used to Lev's affection and for the most part accepted it snuggled himself into Lev's embrace.

"Lev I have to talk you about something important." Yaku said.  Then he got out of Lev's lap and sat in front on the bed.
"Im going to graduate soon. And I think maybe it might be best for you if you allow the school to pair you with an Alpha or another beta." 

Suddenly he felt himself being tackled down onto the bed. Lev laying on top of him
"Please don't leave me Yaku." He said,  Yaku could hear the strain in his voice.

Yaku out his arms around him.
"Lev listen to me. I can't mark you, I can't scent you, I'm not the best when it comes to handling your heats. You would be better off if you found an Alpha." Yaku said and rubbed Lev's back

"I don't want an Alpha ! I want you i love you Yaku!" Lev said as he started to cry. 

"Lev don't cry." Yaku said softly.

Lev sat up and got off of Yaku. He was quiet and so was Yaku. Until Lev asked.
"What do we have to do for you to stay paired with me?"

"Sign a paper." Yaku replied.

Lev fell silent again before asking another question.
"Hey Yaku can Omega's mark beta's? You know how they can mark Alpha's."

Yaku rolled over facing Lev. Lightly blushed because he knew what Lev was thinking.

"I- I don't know." He said.

Lev pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to search. After a a few minutes of searching he got excited and shut up.

"I can mark you!" He shouted excitedly.

Yaku sat up.
"Really?" He asked as he took Lev's phone.

He read what it said.

|Although it is rare, Omega's can mark Betas. This mark works Differently then an Omega marking an Alpha however. The omega isn't giving up their free will as much as it is a symbol of claiming.|

After Yaku read what it said he handed Lev who was smiling from ear to ear his phone back.

"So... Can I mark you?" Lev asked hoping that Yaku would say yes.

Yaku nodded and climbed into Lev's lap
Facing away from him.

"Is it going to hurt?" He asked.

"I don't know... I've never been marked before." Lev replied.

"Okay I'm ready." Yaku said.

Lev leaned down putting his head in between Yaku's neck and shoulder.

"I always want to be with you." Lev said before he attempted to but stopped. He laughed.

"I don't know how to mark." He said.

Yaku groaned.
"Look it up." He said trying to hide that he was annoyed.

After a few  minutes of looking Lev figured it out.

He leaned down against resting his face against Yaku's neck. His lips against the skin right in the middle of Yaku's neck.

A Set Pair (Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now