Always with you (story)

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Not the best buuuut, oh well! It's my first try, lol. Hope you guys enjoyed it, by the time I'm done writing this and publishing it, I will be so tired and go to sleep right away. Lmao. See ya, take care and stay safe! Once again, hopefully you enjoy this one shot!

Tears threatened to spill from those bright, purple eyes. Zero couldn't believe of what he's hearing. Him being better off without Ichiru? Without his...other half? The older twin growled as he glanced up to glare at the other. "You must be out if your damn mind to think that," he seethed out before soften slightly, "or maybe it just shows how much damaged I caused you." He ended sadly. Ichiru could only smile gently, knowing what he's about to say would hurt the despaired one below him.

He kneeled down and then leaned forward to place himself in Zero's arms. Before he could say anything, he felt one of Zero's hands at his side. "Wh-Why are you so injured, Ichiru?" Zero asked frantically. Ichiru smiled again, "I just wanted to...make her wish come true." Zero was confused for a second.

Who's wish? What is he...oh...her.

Ichiru didn't explain further, since he could feel himself gradually losing energy and consciousness. "You know...even though we're different species, I feel instantly calm in your arms." Zero raised an eyebrow, "Is it because we're from the same egg?" The younger one pulled himself closer, burying his face in the crook of his brother's neck.

"Zero...the last piece of my life... eat it all."

Suddenly, it was as if the world stopped moving and almost everything went to black except the two of them.

Zero roughly took ahold of his face and forced it up, letting their eyes meet. "What the hell?! I-I can't! I don't want to lose any one else!" Ichiru felt his chest faintly warm for a millisecond, since hearing that made him happy and relieved. "I'm glad..I thought I was dead in you heart." Zero shook his head fast, pressing a kiss to the side of Ichiru's head, holding his head against his chest. "Everyone loved you, even me... despite everything that happened, I will always love you." Now it was Ichiru's turn to have tears stinging his eyes, threatening to pour down his face.

"However...this is still wrong." Zero insists, which caused Ichiru to sharply glance up at him, grasping parts of his shirt tightly in his hands. "No! If you think like already accomplished that goal...I don't regret a thing, alright? For once, stop pitying me. Don't hate Shizuka too...she treated me well, I promise." Ichiru's eyes widened as he felt death's warning gasp escape his lips. Which brought alarm bells to Zero as well.

Ichiru managed to raise himself a little higher and take ahold of Zero's head, pushing it down to his exposed neck. "We...will become one...we...will become it, I'm ready." Zero finally gave up, now convinced that Ichiru won't back down from this. He face the exposed part of his neck and gave a quick kiss before puncturing it deeply with his teeth, sucking the remaining blood within his brother. A soft puff of breath escaped Ichiru as his eyes slowly start to lose focus, a signal of him letting go and stop fighting for extra seconds in the world. Once Zero had his full, he pulled away, eyes already puffy as his face is wet with tears.

A shaky hand raised a little bit to reach for his cheek. Zero quickly grabbed it and placed it on his own cheek, turning his head to press little kisses on the cold palm. Ichiru gave a watery smile as he took his last breath.

"I-I-I-I lo-love y-you."

His body became limp and empty. Ichiru is now dead.

Zero broke down and threw himself on top of the body, sobbing harshly. He didn't care about the tears wetting his late brother's clothes, he especially didn't care that he's leaving himself vulnerable, weak and open to any potential enemy that could be watching him. Waiting to make their next move. After a few minutes, Zero calmed down a little bit just as his body started to wither around violently. The man howled in pain as electric bolts went through his entire body and soul. When the unbearable pain was done, his own body was still shaking and spazzing out as an aftermath. But soon, the pain and uncomfortableness was replaced with something warm and...comforting.

A soft intake of breath was taken when Zero realized something, placing his hand right on top of his heart. His eye sight becomes much clearer and aware. This feeling could be one thing that he could think of in his head. And only one thing only.

Him and Ichiru have become one.

Zero teared up again, but this time, sporting a small, shaky smile. He soon closed his eyes and bowed his head a bit, whispering something that could be something that only he and Ichiru could understand. The warm feeling slightly intensified as a bright glow briefly came from his chest. The man glanced at his brother's body and picked it up bridal style, leaning down to place a platonic kiss on the cold, unresponsive lips. He soon starts walking out of the door of the room as he says, or rather, vows something.

"I love you too, brother. Don't worry, your in good hands. Your body will lie with hers, I promise."

From beyond the skies, a particular someone looked down with a smile. His attention soon turned towards a small group of sleeping children who have pale skin, white/silver hair and purple eyes. Their sleeping positions resembles those of the Kiryu twins from when they were younger.

"Which one of you that I could possibly use to come back when allowed and that the time is right? Who knows."

Ichiru gave another small round of fits of coughs, groaning in annoyance. If he only he wasn't so fragile and sick, he could've been outside playing with Zero. Suddenly, a warm and slightly heavy body flopped itself onto him. Ichiru looked up with a surprise look on his face, finding Zero smiling down at him, reaching out to cup of the younger's cheek in his hand. Chuckling when Ichiru snuggles his face closer towards the source of warmth and friendliness.

"I want to let you know that I will follow whether you go, don't matter if it means I have to die or what. Now that..."
End of Flashback...

" a promise."

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