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Draco pov:

I slowly creep out of her bed. My forearm sending jolts of electrifying pain through my veins. The mark feels engraved into my arm, like a knife tracing it over and over again.

I pull my shirt over my head carefully not contacting the mark , avoiding anymore unnecessary pain.

Her long hair is in a tangled mess behind her shoulders. Her face is barely lit in the dark room, but I can see the faint freckles on her cheeks.

Her words unravel through my brain as I walk back to my dorm.

'I like you, Malfoy.' Dragging through my brain over and over again. She can't. I'm too invested now, too far in. How can I even escape. I finally lost her yesterday and I just crawled back.

Y/n knows how weak she makes me now. Crying to her? I'm fucking pathetic.

I chose to like a mud blood, a filthy, dirty mud blood that somehow drives me crazy. All of a sudden everything I do has to do with her. Y/n makes me fucking weak.

I enter my cold bedroom quickly, grabbing another potion to pretend I'm not a soon to be murderer. I grimace as I down it quick, bitter.

Pulling off my shirt, small hickeys line my collar bone. Running my fingers along them sends flashbacks through my head. Y/n begging for me. For all of me.

She doesn't hate me, Y/n likes me; she actually likes me.

My skin is pale, and my cheekbones hollow, The ribs along my stomach becoming visible slowly. Pathetic. Ugly.

Telling myself I won't skip lunch or breakfast today I head to the room of requirement, to finally make progress with before Fathe-, Lucius visits me. Before any of them suspect any distractions that actually could have Mum and I in danger, I could really care less about Lucius.

Y/n pov:

Cold. I wake up alone, again.

I'm not clueless, I know it's probably better than waking up next to him; pretending we are anything but whatever we are.

I smile thinking to myself of him playing with my hair thinking I was asleep. Draco is so confusing.

He doesn't let me think any of this is going to go anywhere. I'm honestly thankful. What would happen if it did? If we fell in love? He would be completely disowned, I'm nothing but a dumb mud blood.

He won't love me, ever. I don't forget, yesterday he was harsh. Completely acting fucking worse than other past years.

Heading to the great hall I see Blaise, talking with... Harry?

"Hi guys?" I say questioning, crossing my arms.

"Y/n, we missed you last night," Blaise says turning to me.

"I was really tired,"

"You have to be kidding me," Harry in the middle of us. "You don't have to pretend like I don't know. Again Y/n?"

"Wait what?"

"Please you and Y/n are shagging. It's obvious, look at her," he motions to me, "The way she walked in here, the bags under her eyes, and the hickey she tried to hide with her shirt."

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