Seth and Jasper start to laugh.

"Wanna come meet our daughter?" Jasper smiles over at me.

I nod fast and Seth smiles wider than I have ever seen him before. He turns around and runs inside the house. Jasper holds out his hand which I happily accept and walk inside with him. He leads me into the living room where everyone is standing. I look around at each one with a small smile.

"Welcome to the family." Esme smiles.

"You look amazing, Ally." Alice giggles.

I smile. "Thank you, Alice. Esme, it's nice to officially be part of the family. All that's left is Jazz and I getting married."

"Someone's been waiting to meet you." Carlisle says, turning toward Rosalie.

Rosalie turns around, holding my beautiful daughter. She looks as if she's a few months old instead of three days. She definitely has some vampire qualities in her, even if my small pregnancy didn't prove it. Rosalie walks the few short steps to me. I put my arms out and Rosalie gently lays Charlotte in my arms. Charlotte smiles before putting her hand on my hard marble skin.

An image of myself when I gave birth to her flashes through my mind. I raise an eyebrow before looking at Jasper.

"What was that?"

"She showed you the first memory she has of you." Edward speaks up from the back of the room with a small smile on his face.


"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted." Edward smiles.

"Ally here can read thoughts too." Jasper smirks over at Edward.

"Really?" Carlisle speaks up. "I've never seen two vampires with the same power before. Try it with me."

"Alright." I look right at him.

'Nine plus eight equals seventeen.' I hear.

"Carlisle...I graduated school already. I don't want to hear anymore math." I giggle. "I had my fair share of that."

Everyone in the room widens their eyes.

"That is a new one." Carlisle nods. "I gotta call around and see if this has ever happened before."

"She also said her brain feels as if it's beating...Like a heart." Jasper admits it for me.

"We will try and do some tests later if you would like?" Carlisle asks.

"Sounds great to me. I get to spend some time with Charlotte here in the meantime!." I smile and kiss her forehead causing her to giggle.

I'm sure if I was still human, this would be an instance where I would tear up. My little girl, my sweet, sweet daughter giggling for the first time. Or at least the first time for my ears to hear. Not even a minute later, Seth steps forward.

"Alright, that's enough experimenting for one day." He puts his hands out toward her.

"Seth, she's doing great." Jasper looks over at him.

"Yeah, let's not push it." He comments stepping toward again

"What is your problem, Seth? She's my daughter and I will hold her all I want." I step away from him.

"Oh, do tell her, Seth." Rosalie smirks and crosses her arms.

"Ally, can you hand me Charlotte, please?" Alice says, putting her hands out.

I nod and kiss my little girl's head before handing her to Alice and looking back at Seth.

"Look, it's a wolf thing." Seth whispers.

You're My Forever - Jasper Hale - Part 4Where stories live. Discover now