Chapter 5

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I wake up on the couch with a big headache. The last thing I remember about last night is me getting in the taxi. I manage to pull myself out of the couch, and I make my way towards the bathroom. I sit down to pee while I brush my teeth. I then proceed to take of my makeup. That's when it hits me. I need to go check on Emilie, I faintly remember her calling me drunk last night.

I rush into her bedroom with two glasses of water, one for her as well. To my relief she's sleeping in her bed. I never got to check on her yesterday and I'm happy she's okay. I decide to let her sleep in, and I place her glass of water on her nightstand.

I walk out of the room rubbing my head. I pass the mirror in the hallway when I realise I am wearing his leather jacket. Shit! I am going to have to meet him now, because I need to return his jacket. Fuck. my. life.

Why does everything have to be so freaking hard! Why couldn't I've just met some stupid ugly guy instead..

I walk over to the couch and grab my phone. When I unlock it the first thing that pops up is his number.. I had completely forgotten about that. Before I got to finish that thought I hear the door from Emilie's room open.

"Good morning" I say to tease her.

"Bad morning" she replies while taking a sip of her water. She then walks into the bathroom and closes the door.

I sit down on the couch. In my head I'm wondering if I should maybe text him. It wouldn't be weird because he needs to pick up his jacket anyway. But what if he doesn't remember me, or he has given out his number to other girls too that night.. Who am I kidding? Of course I'm not the only girl that got his number last night. I put the phone on the table.

I pause
before giving in.

I couldn't describe the feeling I got thinking about him, other than it was definitely something special about him.
Harry Styles.. I felt like I've heard the name before but I couldn't remember were it was from.

I couldn't believe that I actually texted him. I am so nervous. What if he doesn't answer? I decide to put the phone away and make some
breakfast, although it was not really tempting.

After eating my breakfast I check my phone. No response. My mood changes and I can feel this sad feeling flowing thru my body. But I am not letting that happen, so I decide to jump in the shower and get ready for the day.

When I am done getting ready I check my phone. I couldn't believe it! A text from him. I got embarrassed over how trilled I got, but I couldn't help it.

"Oh yeah that's true. Coming by now to pick it up. Address?" the text from Harry said.

I am totally freaking out!

I'm not ready for him to come over right now! What should I say! Fuck it. I reply texting the address. Next ting I know I run into my room putting on extra makeup. I'm wearing a cozy outfit with a hoodie and some sweatpants, but that's not what I care about. I had to tell Emilie he is coming over.

"Emilie" I shout.

"Yeah what's up" she replies from the bathroom.

"Um.. this boy.. um Harry.. is coming over. I met him at the party last night" I say feeling bad for having him over after the night she had.

"That's okay" she says. "But I need to talk to you about something first!" She says worried while walking out of the bathroom.

"I'm just gonna dry my hair and change my clothes before I tell you" she says walking past me in her towel.

"Okay" I say worried about what she has to say.

All I know is that she was pretty drunk, and most likely hooked up with this guy Jason.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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