Sukuna - "Quit looking at my ass!"

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A late christmas imagine

In this imagine Yuuji and Sukuna are two different people


It was a week before Christmas, you and Sukuna wanted to start decorating for the holiday. At the moment you were on a ladder trying to hang ornaments on the tree. You were starting to get annoyed because Sukuna kept trying to get you to fix the littlest things.

“That's not centered, Fix the lights, How about you move that one it’s too close to the other one”

He just kept trying to get you to move stuff around and you were worried about falling off the ladder you were on. Sukuna was holding it and making sure you wouldn’t fall, but you just didn’t feel safe on the ladder.

“Sukuna just let me get down. I don’t want to stay up here anymore. If you want to fix everything then go ahead and do-”

When you turned around and looked at him you saw that his eyes weren’t on your face, They weren’t anywhere near your face. His eyes were directly glued to your ass.When you tried to get down, done with his bullshit, he tilted the ladder while you were on it to make you fall. You squealed scared because you lost your balance and was falling off.

Before you could fall you closed your eyes, waiting for impact. It never came. Sukuna had caught you before you could fall and you were in his arms right now just looking at you.

“You’re going to be the death of me”

Was all he said before he started to kiss you. He carried you to his room while still making out with you. Once he got you on the bed he stopped hovering over you and just looking at you.

“This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for looking at my ass”

He smirked.

“Oh really? What’s going to get me off the hook then?”

“I don’t know. Haven’t made up my mind about it yet”

You said with a smile on your face as you grabbed him and started kissing him again. Once you had to stop for breath you both just laid there cuddling, His hands gently roaming your body. You had forgiven him for looking, to be honest you didn’t care in the first place.

“How about I make dinner and finish the tree, would that get me off the hook?”

Sukuna said, still going with the joke from earlier. You smiled.

“Only if you want to”

With that he got off the bed and went to do what he said. His warmth left you almost instantly. You got up and walked out of the room to see if he was actually going to make dinner. You usually made dinner while Sukuna did the dishes. When you walked past the tree you saw that it was covered in decorations and heard Sukuna humming in the kitchen.

You walked into the kitchen and saw that he was actually making dinner. You walked up to him and hugged him from behind, snaking your arms up to his chest. He chuckled.

“Couldn’t last 10 minutes without me, could’ya?”

You giggled at him and let go. You wanted as he cooked and couldn’t wait to taste it. Watching Sukuna make dinner made you imagine about the future, on whether you two would have kids or even get married. THinking about it you smiled to yourself imagining everything that could happen in the future.
578 words

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