Itadori Yuji - "Let me be the last one"

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Itadori Yuuji

He met you when he moved to the school and after he became the vessel for sukuna. He thought you were the prettiest person he had ever seen. You on the other hand wanted nothing to do with him at first. I mean he was going to get executed anyways so why grow attached to someone who is going to die.

He'd walk into the room and you'd either leave or just ignore him and pretend he didn't exist. Fushiguro saw this, but didn't say anything because he knows the reason you tend to ignore everyone. If someone is going to die in the school whether it be you or someone else in the school, what's the point in getting to know them? Especially with the line of work you were getting yourself into. Why get attached if they're going to die.

Yuuji figured this out and tried to make it his mission to get you to see things differently. He'd show you a flower and try and explain the importance of life and such, but you would just grab the flower and destroy it or walk away. This didn't discourage Itadori, it made him want to try harder.

You went on a mission one day, without anyone because you were told to go alone. No one, including you, knew they were sending you to deal with a special grade curse. When the students and Gojou found out they tried to go and help, but it was too late. You were alive, just barely. The curse was dead though. You were in shock that you were able to destroy a special grade curse. You stood at the scene in shock not able to move and when the first-years got there they were in shock by the damage of the area. They saw you standing in the middle of it, looking horrible, you were frozen in the center of the mess; eyes wide, hands open palms facing you. And the amount of wounds on your body were indescribable.

"Y/N!!!!" ,yelled Itadori.

He was trying to get your attention, but they all soon realized that I didn't even know they were there. Gojou- sensei walked up to you to see why you haven't moved.

He saw how mangled your hands were.

"Y/n? Are you ok?"

He asked in a very quiet voice looking at you worriedly.

That's when you somewhat snapped out of your trance and looked up at him.

"I-I killed it. The curse. I killed it. By myself"

He could tell you were in shock. He didn't know if what you were saying was the truth or not. He just wanted to get you out of the area and get you treated. That's when he saw the hand of the curse, under the rubble around you.

Sensei moved the rubble around to see the curse split into dozens of pieces. He was in shock, he didn't know how you did it but you were right. You killed a special grade curse.

After they got you back to the school to make sure you were ok. Itadori started trying to lecture you about what would've happened if you died, but like usual; you wouldn't listen.

"Just listen to me dammit! Can't you tell that I care about you!"

That's when you snapped tired of him annoying you and trying to get you to understand why you have to make every single second of your life worth it.

"I didn't ask you to do that! That was your choice! I could care less if you actually liked me, because you know what?! Either way you're still the vessel for sukuna and you're going to get executed! You're going to die either way so why should I care about the time between now to then with you. You mean nothing to me and that's going to stay that way until one of us dies! Got it?"

Yuuji stood there in shock of how harsh your words were. You felt lightheaded from the screaming and had to sit down and hold your head. Itadori started to cry, he cared for you so much but you weren't going to return his feelings. He understood, you didn't want to get your heart broken. You could at least give him a chance though. You walked out of the room, you didn't want to see the pink- haired boy cry in front of you. While walking out you patted his back, sighed and walked out to go in your room.

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