III- echoes and answers

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"Steal it." Jisung smirked. "Fuck it, why not? I have super-speed, or some kind of upgraded athleticism, it'll be a piece of cake!"

"It's in police custody! It will not be a piece of cake."

"Okay, then we'll make it a piece of cake. Maybe we should get a map of the police station? We can make a plan from there, in true criminal fashion."

Changbin's face seemed to go through several emotions within the span of a second. Shock, disappointment, a tad of frustration, a strange mix of proudness and mischievousness. He then seemed to settle for the 'god help me' expression of resignation.

"Alright. Can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but it's not as if I can stop you."

"I mean, personally, I think breaking the law under these circumstances is reasonable." Jisung continued, if only to get more of those expressions. "There are aspects of the situation the police don't know about, and god knows what conclusions they'd draw if they saw the deep web vampire shit. They'd probably think Chan got dragged into a cult. Which actually is still an alarming thing, but-"

"You don't need to explain yourself." Changbin sighed. "I'm with you."

"Deep web vampire shit?" Minho stood in the doorway, feigning disinterest as he picked at his nails. "Is that why there's been bags of blood in our fridge for three years?"

"God fucking damnit." Jisung wanted to bang his head against the wall. He'd seen them? And never questioned it until now?

"I mean, I don't want to jump to conclusions here." Minho smiled sweetly. Okay, clearly until now he'd thought there was weird cult shit going on, jesus christ.

"Has anyone else been eavesdropping on our conversation?" Jisung said through gritted teeth, teetering on the edge of losing it for the millionth time this week.

"Oh, they're all trying to listen through the wall but I've long since given up on that. It's too muffled, and you didn't notice me until I literally was in the room."

"Yeah, sorry, I was a bit caught up about Jisung wanting to break the law." Changbin replied, looking unsurprised but disappointed. He'd been acting a bit more like a Responsible Adult since Chan had been gone, probably since Minho didn't despite being older.

"Okay, well answer me this: what in the bloody hell is going on?"

"An apt description." Jisung muttered, unable to hold himself back.

"He's a vampire." Changbin said matter of factly. "So are Hyunjin and Chan. We think that's why they went missing, and that Chan was trying to tell us his laptop password in that security footage, because there might be evidence on there as to where he is right now. It's in police custody, so Jisung proposed we steal it. That pretty much covers everything."

Minho stood still for a moment, expressionless. Then his eyebrows furrowed, as if he was thinking really hard. He walked over to the fridge, opened it, and took out a blood bag, looking at it scrutinisingly.

"Could you maybe put that away?" Jisung winced. "I'm running low on those things as it is."

That was a lie. He was avoiding them like a plague. But there was a danger of them eventually running out, so it seemed better to save them and ignore the aching hunger within his body.

Minho put the blood bag away, and turned to face the two of them. "Okay. Seems legit." He nodded. "What's the game plan?"

"Just like that?" Jisung questioned, feeling just as confused as he had when Changbin had confronted him. "You believe us?"

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