Chapter 4- Overwrought

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Blue had tried to sleep but the lights hadn't been turned off. They never were. He couldn't tell where he was or even what time he was. Was he in hell? If he was then he suspected that he was carrying whoever was ruling it's child. He knew for sure that this wasn't hell, he hadn't gone mad but he sure had felt like it. Well the situation couldn't be helped and it wasn't like the humans had helped him ease up to this place. But Blue just had to keep a determined demeanor and he was sure he'd get out of here soon. He hadn't even been here for a week yet, his chances would get better throughout the week surely.

Though every time he had come close to him he had become increasingly anxious. Nevertheless it was something he could fix. He was the magnificent Sans after all! Just where could he start, that question that flooded his mind made his gut sink. He'd been here for what felt like a long time and he still hadn't know his way around this place. No! He'd get through this. He just had to ask one of the humans if he could wander around when one of them came, it wouldn't be too long. But for now he'd just try to get much sleep as he could get.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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