Chapter 4 Getting new things & going to Liyue

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Y/N P.O.V.

I got up and helped her so she could get up.

???:"Thanks." *looks at you* "Anyways, who are you? I never saw you."

Y/N:"I'm Y/N L/N."

Fischl:"You must be the Honory Knight. The knights have told me a lot of about you. Anyways, I'm Fischl, die Prinzessin der Verurteilung."

Y/N:"Wait, you just said something in German, aren't you?"

Fischl:"What is German?"

Y/N:"Forget about it. I need to go. Have a nice day."

Fischl:"Wait. Where are you going?"

Y/N:"I'm going to the blacksmith called Liz."

Fischl:"Is it okay for you if I come along with you?"

Y/N:"I don't mind."

With that, Fischl and I went to the blacksmith. During the walk, Fischl started to give me a lot of questions about from where I come and so on. I answered all this question she gave me.

Fischl:"I see. It must be very hard for you."

Y/N:"I have already gotten used to it."

Timeskip: five minutes later

We arrived at the blacksmith shop and I knocked on the door. Then we entered. I saw how Liz wasn't here. I think that she was in her work room. So I kinda thought of prank her but it was to late. She came back.

Liz:"Ah, I see. You have brought a new costumer."

Y/N:*sighs* "Have you finished my order?"

Liz:"Yes, I did. Here." *gives Y/N a new mask* 

" *gives Y/N a new mask* 

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(This is your new mask.)

Y/N:"Thanks a lot." *gives 15.000 Mora* 

Fischl:"Why did  you paid so much on that mask?"

Y/N:"I requested a mask which should help me breathing under water, in places with less air or no air and so on."

Fischl:"I see." *looks at Liz* "Anyways, can you make me a new bow?"

Liz:"Of course. What attributes shou-" *gets interupted by someone opening the door*

I turned around and saw a woman with long hair with a mix orange and brown.

I turned around and saw a woman with long hair with a mix orange and brown

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