𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑀𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑑𝑦

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'This melody was made for you'

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'This melody was made for you'
|/ Previously \|
'Why did she leave without saying oh or agreeing with showing her around. Could she be shy, or she isn't into me. No Kokomi everyone likes you. She's just shy is all, I'll make her more extroverted and she'll thank me!' 'Good grief, now I got her on my hands.'

< Present >

As lunch soon ended, the but-chinned guy put an arm around you. How come you didn't detect him. Since your future reader can only work at random times, your telepathy couldn't read his thoughts, and telekinesis can only move things, he was unreadable. "Hey girly, wanna come join us in some ramen with my buddy and my pal after school?" You didn't want to deal with a pest or meeting more people in fact, you really didn't care for people except your parents. "No." "Alrighty then, see you later!" Great there's no escaping this guy.
Now that I mention it, you were in gym class and the coach had said that we were playing dodgeball. "Dodgeball? In highschool?" Someone said. "Awe man...there's gotta be something else we can do." Said another."HEY!! Don't complain!" One particular person spoke up. The class president Kineshi Hairo. "Let's give it everything we've got!" 'Good grief' you wanted to say but you didn't want to be noticed. Hairo gave a long speech about why we should play, kinda made me feel bad, for him of course. "We'll decide the teams based of rock, paper, scissors." Said the coach.
You had ended up on Hairo's team, which was a coincidence considering that the pink haired was also there. 'I should be proud I'm on Hairo's team considering the others team.' You internally said to yourself. Thus, dodgeball has begun.

The match started with Hairo grabbing and throwing the ball at a green afro haired guy with big lips. 'Is getting a player out really that exciting? And he's already sweating buckets!? The match just started.' You thought questionably. As your team started cheering.
Now that that was over. The other team has the ball now. 'Ok, L/N . We'll get you out first.' You heard one of them say. The guy with the ball threw it at you which hit you in the head. 'Oh' You just stood there like nothing happened."Are...are you ok?" Someone said to you. "Hold on L/N!" Hairo continued. "Where you really trying to catch the ball?" Which made you nod. "Where are you going? You're not out! The face rule is still a thing." Hairo gave the ball to you, which was your turn.
"L/N, throw it like you mean it!" Hairo said. 'Like I really mean it? You say that so lightheartedly. But do you even have a clue what'll happen if I do that? Someone's going to die. Forget the face-safe rule. If I throw it hard, they'll be "out" for good! Without a head understand!!' You thought. "Call me Y/N, I hate it when they call me by my last name." You said to everyone. You aimed at the but-chinned guy but you learned it was Nendou. You threw the softest throw you could do to not kill anyone at all.
'Oh. It was too weak' You said as he caught it. "What the heck was that! This is a serious match! Put your heart into it!!" Hairo yelled at you. "Fine, I don't get why you get so worked up." You said to him. "Girly. I do appreciate you taking it easy on me. But for now we're enemies." "Did you go easy on him because you're his friend!?!" Hairo said. 'Please, I don't need friends.'

~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

A few minutes pass and your team only has three people left counting you, Hairo and Saiki, while the other team still had seven members. "I'll leave my pal for last. Girly your next." He said, which was kinda relieving to hear. Nendou threw it at you. You had just excepted this like nothing just standing there waiting for the ball. 'Huh' For a second Saiki was in front of you which made the ball hit him. 'Oh great I just wanted to be out.' "Don't give up yet!" Hairo yelled. Hairo caught the ball, but actions have consequences. The basket to keep the balls were tipped over, Hairo on the ground with his but out, no seriously, and a scraped knee. "He saved Saiki, almost Y/N too, if Saiki didn't sacrifice himself!" Everyone on your team that was out had thought. "Ah, Hairo's injured. That means Y/N and Saiki are the only ones left." Someone yelled out. 'You have got to be kidding me.' You and Saiki unknowingly said simultaneously.
Hairo gave out yet another speech which made everyone count on you and Saiki.

Things were going to get troublesome

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Things were going to get troublesome.

♥︎this would probably be like one of the longest chapters I would ever do♥︎

𝑆𝑇𝐸𝑅𝐸𝑂 𝐻𝐸𝐴𝑅𝑇𝑆  //  𝙏𝘿𝙇𝙊𝙎𝙆Where stories live. Discover now