[William Vangeance x Reader] ━ the birds and flowers on his tree ✽

Start from the beginning

"I am very sorry to disrupt your thoughts, William-sama. I just came to inform you that the preparations for the ball is going well. The guest of the King will soon arrive and the ball will start afterwards."  The blue haired man with glasses informed.

"Very well, Klaus. Thank you for this piece of information. I will be in the main hall after finishing the last piece of paperwork." 

"Yes, captain!" The man named Klaus salutes and added a bow before he left his captain to his own company.

'I guess it is time to get ready' he said to himself as he took the walk to his office, 'A masquerade ball huh?' the man chuckled to himself, his lips curling upwards.  'Julius must have been so kind to find a theme that perfectly fits my appearance.'

✦ —• time skip •— ✦

The ball was nothing but spectacular, as expected from the Golden Dawns with Klaus as the head of the committee, a man known to be the definition of a perfectionist. 

"You've outdone yourself, Klaus." The captain praised his subordinate, grateful that he had chosen Klaus to supervise the event.

"T-thank you captain!" slightly shocked at the sudden appearance of the masked captain, wearing the same helmet as usual. "We must hold our standards high, Captain! I gladly ensure that our ball is nothing short of perfection."

The captain smiled with his purple orbed eyes, softly placing his hand on the other male as a sign of gratitude.

"Ms. Y/N from house..." the speaker, a title given for the man announcing the arrival of every guest stopped midway of his sentence. "Forgive me." clearing his throat, "Ms. Y/N from house Vangeance?"

The sentence took everyone's attention for a moment, 

'the same house of the captain of the Golden Dawn?' 

' Who is that woman?' 

' I wonder if it's a relative of the captain.' 

Those thoughts and hushed whispers spread across as they sneakily try to take a second peek at the woman who is dressed in white with red and blue flowers as it's ornament, and her perfect blonde curls safely secured with a golden red ribbon, her face half covered with a gold mask with a patch of blue.

Everyone's attention was on you, not excluding the Captain of the highest rank. Unfortunately not because of the breathtaking figure that stood at the entrance, but the name you chose to enter with. 

People were curious, but they know better. They did not want to risk their royal status by being nosy, but they welcomed you when the dance started. 

"May I?" a silver haired man with a braid at the front of his face offered his hand to you, 

"You may." and with that, you took his hand and find a place in the center of the hall, gracefully having him as your lead as you twirl with him at the center. 

He did not speak much, your guess is that he simply offered you his hand because he had to dance as duty that came from his title, you gave him a formal bow when the dance finished, turning around to see a masked man staring at you. His mask was not out of place at all to everyone, considering this is a masquerade ball, but his mask was not a stranger to you, and so was his purple orbed eyes, piercing through you as if he was thinking, 'how amusing~'

Your target is right in front you, but being the polite host he is, when a group of royals came to him, he entertained them with an exchange of words while once in a while sneaking glances at you, with his eyes he whispered, 'we're both wearing mask, but we both know who is underneath that.'

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