Again, I didn't say a word. Just warily watched her. It was a good thing too, because she snatched up the remote off the table and sent it flying at my head. I managed to duck out of the way.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" she screamed as she hurled object after object at me.

"Shit! That fucking hurt, Bella!" I growled as a bowl that I kept junk in hit me in the head.

"Good!" she snarled before snatching up a vase and getting ready to throw it.

I rushed her, wrestling the vase from her and pinning her hands at her side.


She struggled to get free, but I wasn't about to let her go. God knew, she'd probably go for the knives next.

"Please, Bella. Stop."

Her body went limp as she stopped struggling. It was then I heard the sobs, gut wrenching sobs that ripped me apart. My arms wrapped themselves around her.

Her tiny hands were fisted in my shirt, and her body shook from the force of her tears.

"Please, don't cry," I begged.

"I'll cry if I want to," her muffled voice retorted. "And don't tell me what to do!"

Now that I had her in my arms again, I didn't want to let go of her. It felt too good to hold her, and it hit me just how much I'd missed her. I felt tears form in my own eyes, but I blinked them back.

Eventually, she pushed away from me, wiping her tears off with the back of her hand.

"Well, I've said what I needed to, and it seems as if you haven't changed your mind. I guess I'll be going," she said, and I began to panic as she walked toward the door.

"Don't go," I begged quietly.

She turned to face me. "Why should I stay?"

"I need you," I admitted, not only to her but to myself as well. Until I'd seen her, I hadn't realized how badly I needed to be with her.

"Not good enough," Bella said, opening the door.

I rushed forward, shutting it and beggining to babble. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you and making you unhappy."

Bella nodded. "I have no doubt you're sorry."

"It's just ..." I began. "It's just that I have to keep you safe. I'm better off alone so that the Hunters of the world can't hurt you."

Bella shook her head at my words. "You're an ignorant fool," she said as she shoved me away from the door, opened it, and walked down the steps.

For a moment, I stood there, shocked. I watched her walk away and realized that I couldn't let her go again.

"Please don't walk away," I begged.

Her shoulders drooped, and she let out a sigh before facing me.

"I'm not the one walking away, Edward. You're the one that did that. Remember?" she said as climbed into her car.

With tears in my eyes, I watched as she started to back down the drive. I knew that if she left this time, I'd never recover. Hollering her name, I chased after the car, slamming my hands down on the hood when I caught up to her.

Her expression was one of shock as she looked at me through the windshield.

"Please, Bella! Please, give me another chance," I practically sobbed. "I was so wrong."

After what seemed like hours, she nodded and put the car in park. Slowly, she got out and came to face me.

"I'll stay for a while, but we have some serious talking to do."

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