Chasing In The Wild

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Elyse's Wedding Vow

Sevi, Today, I give myself to you in marriage. I am about to promise a lot of things to you so listen carefully so you won't get lost.

I can't believe we met beacuse of Arkin's bad stomach. I can't believe I hated you the moment I saw you. You just had that 'vibe' that I did not like. But ended up falling so hard beacuse of it. Remember when I wore a tiger shirt for the first time? A cheerleader from La Salle, wearing a tiger shirt in a basketball game. It was the most embarrassing thing I ever did. It took me a lot of games, trainings, exchanges of shirts and other things to realize my real feelings for you. We just couldn't get enough of each other.

Sevi, my best captain, my King Tiger, my engineer, I love you so much. I promise to be with you in every win and every loss. I promise to be with you during the worst times and the best times. I promise to give the best version of myself to you and I promise to help you grow so we could be the best for each other.

I promise to trust you, respect you, and love you more and more every day. I promise I will continue cheering on you. I will encourage you and inspire you whatever the circumstances are. I promise to cherish and spend every moment with you including the bad ones and the good ones. I promise that I will share your sorrows with you, and also your laughs.

I promise that I will love you and still choose you when life is hard, when everything had become so tiring, and when nothing else goes right. I promise to become your strength, motivation and inspiration to keep moving forward.

I love you, Sev... and here I am to solemnly and sincerely declare that I, Amora Elyse Ledesma, accept you, Sebastian Vincent Camero, as my lawful partner. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better and for worst, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do as part...

As I give you my hand to hold, so I give my life to keep. I love you and I love you for the rest of my life.

•A life with him is full of warmth, hope and comfort. He is, and forever will be, my home.•

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