Safe Skies, Archer

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Yanna's Farewell Letter

Hiro, when I first saw you, I admired the way you talked and presented yourself beacuse you stood out in the crowd, but when I got to know you, I realized that the thing I admired the most about you was your determination to achieve your dream.

From the start, you have already made your goals clear to me. Sumusunod ka sa plano, ngunit 'di ko masasabi yon para sa sarili ko, dahil wala naman sa plano ko ang masaktan sa pag-alis mo.

It wasn't also in the plan to write this to you. The plan was to let you leave peacefully, but I won't be at peace if I don't get this out. I already told you this, but I want to write it this time because the ink will stay longer than my words in your memories. I'm so proud of you.

I'm so proud of what you have become and for what you will be. You have a bright future ahead of you. So chase your dreams. I will delay mine, but I promise we'll get there. We may or may not see each other again but I hope this pain will put us in the right places, in the right destinations.

Safe skies, my Archer.

Always, Ashianna.

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