By the end of the video, Josh and Oli were sat on eachother, Toff and Jack had kissed and Dianne was sat on Joes lap due to all the dares they had given eachother.
"Someone turn the camera off. Your not planning on moving are you?" Joe laughed talking to Dianne as Caspar got up and turned it off.
"Nah not really. Quite comfy to be honest." Dianne laughed leaning back so her head was resting on Joes chest.
"I bet your gonna get loads of relationships rumours after that video." Evie said.
"Who Toff and Jack?" Joe asked
"No, you and Di. Look at you both now. You were like that from when Di sat on your knee, you had an arm wrapped round her." Evie laughed.
"Surely they won't think their together, look at Dianne, shes mega, and joes just joe." Mikey said making everyone look up at him and telling him to shut up.
"That's not nice Mikey." Dianne said, "Theirs nothing wrong with Joe. Don't listen to him." Dianne said, Joe nodded.
"Mikey that was horrible, I think you should leave." Caspar said, everyone agreeing.
"Oh right. I was just saying that theirs no way in hell that Joe would get a girl like Dianne."
"GET OUT!" Dianne shouted to which Mikey listened and headed out.

"My god Dianne, you okay?" Toff asked after Dianne had screamed at Mikey.
"I just can't stand it when people are mean. It's not fair, theirs nothing wrong with you Joe and he says things like that. Arghhh it really annoys me." She said.
"Hey, breathe. It's all fine, I'm fine. I didn't take any of it to heart. I'm all good. Just chill." Joe said to her as he rubbed her back. Joe could tell that deep down, their was something effecting Dianne and that their was a deeper meaning to her outburst.
"Sorry, I just didn't want what Mikey said to get to you. When people say things like that it can really effect you so I just didn't want that to happen to you." She said.
"It hasn't. I promise you. Now why don't we go down for lunch, I'm sure mum's probably made something." Joe said, wanting Dianne to calm down. What Mikey had said didn't get to him one bit, he wasn't bothered, Mikey always said stuff without thinking and that was obviously one of the things, a bit harsher but Joe was used to it. Dianne, having not been in the group that long, obviously hadn't met this side of Mikey, but she knew that she didn't like it.

It was a few hours later and everyone was sat on the sofas watching a film. Dianne was sat next to Joe. They had a random film on that Dianne had picked but it turned out no one else understood it. It's was about a family that moved to Italy. Everyone was sat getting a bit confused as occasionally they would speak in Italian, yet Dianne was laughing her head off.
"Guys do you not find this funny?"
"We don't understand it Di, we don't all speak Italian." Oli laughed.
"Oh yeah, turn it off if you want, I've seen it loads." Dianne said. She passed Joe the remote that was resting on her lap and he put on another film, one this time that everyone would understand.
"I'm going upstairs, I'll be down in a second." Dianne said getting up and walking out the room. She came down about 2 minutes later with a pair of glasses on.
"Aww, they look nice." Toff said when Dianne took her seat back next to Joe.
"Thanks, everything was going blurry. I can see now." Dianne laughed as she leaned into Joes side and focused back on the film.

"What do you lot want for dinner? I'll order you a takeaway if you want. Pizza?" Tracey asked when she walking into the living room and saw everyone sat around watching a random reality show that the girls had persuaded the boys to watch. 
"Yeah, can we get a margarita, pepperoni and Hawaiian. And can you make a salad aswell to nibble on aswell, I know Di will eat that." Joe said.
"Of course, where is chatterbox anyway?" Tracey asked when she couldn't see her favourite out of her sons friends anywhere.
"She's next to me, asleep. She made us watch this Italian show that we couldn't understand and then fell asleep during twilight. She'll wake up in a minute I'm sure." Joe said, Tracey nodded and headed out the room to order the food for everyone.

It was a few hours later and everyone was getting ready to go to sleep. Joe was sorting out who was going to be in which room. Having 3 spare bedrooms, as Zoe was away, it wasn't going to be hard finding space, but it was the fact of who was staying with who.
"Right so, Oli and Evie and Byron and Emily and Jack and Toff in the blue spare room as it's the biggest, Caspar and Ambar and Josh and Ellie in the pink spare room. So that leaves Conor and Di and Zoe's room and then obviously mine. So what's which?"  Joe asked.
"Well I have to be up early in the morning, I'll be up around 6 coz my dads getting me at 8 so would it be better for me to be in Zoe's room so I don't wake anyone?" Dianne said.
"No! Di you can't be on your own, it's your first sleepover with the group, you go with Joe in his room and I'll take Zoe's. If your both okay with staying in the same room." Conor said, not wanting Dianne to be alone but also wanting Joe and Dianne to be together, the whole group could tell their was something about the pair, they had a special connection and they wanted them to act on it.
"If I'm being honest, I don't care where I sleep, I just want to get into bed, don't care where, and fall asleep. If that means being alone or sharing with someone, I don't mind." Dianne said, taking of her glasses as she rubbed her eyes, showing how tired she really was.
"Great, I'll take Zoe's, Dianne and Joe can have his room."

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