Christmas, You Say?

Start from the beginning

"What are these for?~" He says with a lively tone

"These, my dear Shinya, is how we'll embarrass Big Bro Kureto, and make our Christmas party so much...cooler!" You giggle, sitting down beside him

You look over his shoulder as he reads over your notes with a laugh, putting them down. His icy blue eyes look over at you softly as he leans on the table mischievously,

"And you plan to get away with this how?"

You smirk, getting up and standing behind Shinya with a smirk, pointing at herself. You weren't one for abusing power, but just this once for a little fun. Besides, you had planned this for weeks at it was flawless.

"Because, Lord Hiragi, I am the lovey Jujo, why would I ever plan this?~"

"If this ends up going sideways, I'm not covering."

"Yeah, I know..."

Silence filled the room as you both looked at each other. You were positive that you both had the person to throw under the bus in this locked in your brains. You and Shinya both point at each other, before both saying,


You both nod acknowledging the thought as you left the Hiragi household and began preparing for the following week. 


"Alright fuckers." You get their attention

"Damn, Lady Jujo-" Norito took a step back

"How vulgar, who let Y/n hang out with Guren?" Shinya laughs, sitting down 

"Why does everyone always blame me. Look at Mito." Guren bluntly states, passing the blame down

"Me?!" Mito interjects, clearly offended.

However, before Mito began going on a tangent, you took her arms and plopped her down on the bench, doing the same with everyone else. Your blood boiled with excitement. Today, on Christmas, you were pulling the greatest prank and threat towards all the snobs in the school, it was hilarious just thinking about it.

"What are we facing the school for anyway?" Mito sighs, taking a sip of her hot cocoa

"You'll see!" You hum, feeling accomplished as a scream of horror overlapped your hum

A smirk, a laugh, and looks of utter shock appeared on everyone's faces, even Shigure looked quite surprised.

Right about now, Shinya, and you could picture it, the locusts were probably running rampant in the gym while Kureto was running around trying to get everything in order. A loud boom had taken into effect, gasps and screams of disgust filled the air.

Shinya gave you his hand and you slapped it.


Guren kept a laugh to himself as a smirk graced his face. Mito, on the other hand, looked glad she wasn't down there as she sighs. Norito enjoyed the sight of girls getting sticky, pink bubblegum goop on themselves. Looking over at Shigure and Sayuri, they hid their facial expression that was a bit snarky, enjoying the sight of their master's enemies suffering.

A soft feeling of accomplishment washed over you as everyone laughs and says that Goshi was pulling out illusions, finding himself defending himself.

"I know we all want to overrule the Hiragi's...But right now this is what we could muster." You sigh, crossing your arms as you laughed silently.

"Merry Christmas! To have a decent world one day." Shinya toasted, grabbing a glass of clear liquid.

You didn't remember bringing liquid. Suddenly you could hear Guren coughing, crinkling his cup in the process, 

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