Chapter 3: A New Place

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William had a contented smile on his lips after taking a sip of the tea prepared by the two. "It feels as though I've finally come home."

""Come home" is a bit out of place, isn't it?" Louis said. "Other than the quick inspection we made when we purchased the residence, this is your first time coming here, right?"

"Indeed, this is no more than a temporary residence chosen because of its proximity to the university." He replied and sets down his cup before slightly turning his head to face his younger siblings while holding up a cookie Elise made. "But regardless of where it may be, any place where I can drink Louis's tea and enjoy Elise's cooking is home to me."

Both youngest were surprised by his words but nevertheless, they were happy to be praised and complimented by their older brother and the two smiled to each other.

"Ah, that's right." Elise suddenly recalled something and she tugged her adopted brother's sleeve. "Louis-nii-sama. The mail earlier."

"Oh, yes. I almost forgot. Thank you for reminding me, Elise."

Louis left shortly before coming back with a letter at hand and gave it to his older brother. "Nii-san, this came for you."

He saw the name on the back of the letter and read it aloud. "The Viscount of Belfor?"

"Yes. It seems he's the lord over this whole region." Elise replied as she took a seat next to him.

William opened the letter and read it shortly. "He would like to have us over for dinner when we have the chance, would he?" He turned his attention to their youngest sibling. "Elise, Albert-nii-san is going to be arriving tonight, right?"

"Yes. He was with us this morning helping with the arrangements and cleaning when there was a sudden call for his presence back to his office. He said that would come back after finishing his job and see how everything is."

"I see. Then let's all four of us accept his invitation."

Elise didn't mind, for she's pretty much used to these kinds of invitations and her brothers will be coming over as well. However, Louis knew that there is also an underlying motive behind that invitation.

"Though, I am sure he wants to see and meet Elise, the Moriarty's forbidden flower, aside from getting close to the Moriarty name."

William sighed as what his brother said was very much what's on his mind. "True."

As for how Elise possessed the nickname, "Moriarty's forbidden flower", it was all because marriage invitations that appear at their doorsteps almost every week and every single one of them were rejected. Male nobles would ask for her hand in marriage or even invite her out for lunch and the brothers would either turn them down for her or agree for the invitation, but on a condition that one of her brothers or better yet, all three of them are with her.

She was never alone with meetings like this and thus, she was called the forbidden flower of Moriarty, due to the fact that a young woman like hers with incomparable beauty and grace, one cannot outright invite her out or ask for her hand in marriage because of her older brothers' protectiveness and they cherish her dearly, particularly the blonde genius.

Elise drank her tea before setting down to her lap as she sighed. "This is something that I have gotten used to over the years. I'm no longer surprised..."

Both blondes saw her tired and fed up expression. William leaned forward and placed his hand on her own to console her.

"Elise, do not worry. We won't let them lay a finger on you." William assured her before smiling in a light mischievous manner. "But then again, you know how to defend yourself, am I right?"

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