Chapter 15

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I must have passed out because everyone had gathered around me

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I must have passed out because everyone had gathered around me.

"Babe you fainted"

"I'm okay can we go look for Aro please," I said crying

I tried to stand but felt dizzy...

"Wait baby, I promise we will find her have I ever let you down?"

"No.....not yet," I said and I saw the sadness in his eyes...

"I know you won't sorry babe, my mom has been with her since 10 am it's been 8 hours now"

After talking to Jasmine we left and drove around.

"Babe I bought Aro this pink watch she had it on but Mrs. Ramirez complained that it distracted the other kids, so we agreed to hide it in her bag "

 Ramirez complained that it distracted the other kids, so we agreed to hide it in her bag "

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"Me and Aro......Baby focus.....that's how ill track her down"

We parked on the side of the road and got out of the car and he took out his MacBook and checked it out, It has been almost 8 hours without her we can't report her missing yet and my mom isn't at her house.

"Brooklane Hospital "


"She's at the hospital"

"Why would my mom take her there is she sick why don't I know?"

"We will have all the answers when we get there babe" he squeezed my thigh and I nodded.

We drove there and it led us straight to the room...

She was lying in the hospital bed sleeping with an IV on her hand and small green bruises, Leo was there with his family...

What the actual fuck is going on here...

I ran to her and she was asleep...

Leo came to us...

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