Random Update!

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Hey ya'll!

Drunkhorse here,
I've been hella busy with work and shit...

I'm not here to sugar coat anything, so I'm going to tell you now!

Doom Guy Fanfic>>
**Since the release of the new Doom Game. I've been getting myself hyped up to play and hopefully add that Lore into the fic too!

I haven't completely given up on my Baby just yet... I'm just a super slow updater is all. I don't have a Release Date set up yet... Of course I don't.

New Update>>
**While working on the Doom Fiction, I've been occupying myself with lesser fanfics that I've never finished/published.

So expect! And keep a eye out for these as well. You don't know, you might actually like them!! :3

Love you all and even the Trollers,
And have a goodnight or day!!

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