
The voice didn't belong to either of them. I turned towards the doorway in confusion. "Fukunaga?"

Kenma's eyes widened like a cat sensing danger and he quickly rushed to my side again. "Shiro, you have to run," he said in a strangely urgent voice. "I'll hold him off. Run!"

"Wait, why? What am I running from?"

"Listen, there's no time to..."

But before he could finish, a wave of cold water crashed into the two of us. I gasped at the sudden chill, feeling the iciness slither down my spine. What the... where did that even come from?

"Mr Freeze... says to wake up."

Peeling the sticky, wet hair off my face, I looked towards Fukunaga, standing with an empty bucket in his hands and blank poker face.

A smile widened across his face as he saw me. "Oh, you're awake!" He beamed happily, seeming extremely proud of himself, even though he didn't exactly contribute positively. I mean, fair enough, if I wasn't already awake, I would have to be now.

"You're late, Fukunaga." Kenma sighed in an utterly defeated voice. I took one look at the boy and couldn't help myself from laughing. This wasn't Kenma anymore. Right now, I was staring at something resembling an angry cat. One very angry, soaking wet cat.

And as if on cue, the so-called cat turned and stared back at me with dead eyes. "It's not funny."

"I'm sorry... I can't..." I tried to make my half-assed apology sound at least a tiny bit sincere, but my uncontrollable laughter didn't help. However, my next words were completely and truly sincere. "You look like a meme."

"Excuse me? I look like a meme?" He asked rather aggressively, not surprising for someone who was just doused with cold water. "Have you seen yourself?"

"No, of course not," I stammered in between hysteric chuckles, "I'm too busy looking at an angry cat."

"I... I am deeply offended." He replied, trying to sound mad, despite the little laugh that escaped him every now and then.

At this point, I couldn't take him seriously anymore. I couldn't even look at him without choking. Kenma, with his dyed blonde hair plastered to his face and an angrier-than-usual cat-like frown, was a terrifyingly hilarious sight. Therefore, due to this entirely plausible reason, I continued to laugh.

"Stop it, you gremlin!" He protested, giving me a light shove in the shoulder, which I returned with a little more force.

But soon enough, Kenma began laughing, too. I guess not even the angry cat boy could resist the temptation. So it is true what they say, that laughter is contagious.

It felt weird to laugh. In normal circumstances, I would've been pretty pissed off if someone threw just the tiniest drop of water on me, let alone a whole bucket. Perhaps catching a volleyball with my head messed up my brain somehow. Not in a bad way, though. Or maybe Kenma was just really funny-looking. Again, not in a bad way.

It felt like forever since I had genuinely laughed so hard at something. I was soaking wet and freezing cold, but laughing my heart out. It feels good.

𝐌𝐘 𝐈𝐍-𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 [Kozume Kenma]Where stories live. Discover now