She wanted to touch him. She wanted to reach out and kiss his lips or hold his hand but she was scared to. "Right well Simon is outside waiting for us." He walked past her and purposely shifted so he wouldn't brush her shoulder. This was going to be a long day.

The car ride was silent and almost uncomfortable. Theo was right, it was a long ride but it didn't help that he was avoiding her. He was so hot and cold sometimes that it made her head hurt. They sat on opposite ends of the car and the feeling that stirred inside Elizabeth made her want to cry. They shared such an intimate night and she started to realize that maybe she was the only one still thinking about it. 

She hadn't touched the champagne that she was handed inside the car. She sat there fiddling with the flute glass, staring at her lap. She forced herself to think about anything else. It made her feel way less confident and that's what bothered her most. It made her question herself and that's something that Elizabeth struggled with a lot. With Theo she never questioned herself but right now she was. 

Theo stared at the girl while she kept her head down, wondering what was going on in her mind. He saw the sadness on her face and couldn't understand why. He thought the morning was fine and he didn't see anything wrong with how he was acting. Maybe he was a little distance but nothing insanely abnormal. He just didn't want to develop the wrong idea so he backed off a bit. 

Theo wanted Elizabeth more than anything but he knew he couldn't have her. Not really anyways. After this was over they would go their separate ways and he would cease to exist to her. At least that's how he imagined it. He couldn't asked the girl to relocate to Paris and drop everything for him. Theo didn't think he was worth that much. He just wanted to show her what life is really like....what it could be like. 

After they arrived Elizabeth's eyes widened. The yacht was huge and there looked to be a couple of people on it. Surely they weren't going on there. "You don't own that do you?" Elizabeth said, turning to him in disbelief. "Fuck no! I usually don't like being on the water but a couple of old friends are in town and they wanted to see you." He said as they both exited the car. 

"See me? Who could possibly know I was in Paris?" She said as they made their way to the huge boat. The music was loud but not too loud. Couples were drinking and dancing on the edge. Theo pushed past everyone to get through and made sure no one knocked into Elizabeth. Maybe if he grabbed her hand it would've been easier but he didn't. 

"Bloody hell! Elizabeth Clearwater as I live and breathe!" A deep voice came from behind her. Dark flawless skin and a perfect bone structure. He was still as beautiful as ever. "Blaise!" She shouted, running up and jumping on him. It only took one arm of his to lift her, squeezing her tight. When her feet were planted on the ground, he pecked her cheek and another voice rang behind her. 

"Clearwater! Glad to see you alive and breathing." She turned to meet icy silver eyes and a well known smirk. "Draco!" She said excitedly. Elizabeth ran to him with just as much energy and he lifted her from the ground, twirling her around before placing her back down. Elizabeth was so happy to see some of her old classmates. They weren't the closest but she rarely saw anyone anymore.

"Alright you blokes! You're smothering her." Theo said, possessively. 

That made something stir inside Elizabeth. How could he act so possessive and still not want anything to do with her at the same time? If he wanted to play that game, Elizabeth could too. However she knew she could play it better than him. "Actually I'm okay." She said, as Draco's arm was still around her. 

Draco and Blaise knew their affectionate touches would piss off Theo and it had been awhile since they tormented him. They knew what game Elizabeth was playing and they were happy to play along. Blaise gave Elizabeth a knowing smirk before turning his attention back to Theo. "So Theodore how have you been mate?" Blaise knew how much Theo hated to be called by his full name but he wouldn't react..not yet anyways. 

Honey: Theo Nott short storyWhere stories live. Discover now