Chapter 8: Panic

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I struggled away from his touch, My skin crawling as my body remembered the last time a Normal had touched me.

''Hey, Come on dude, Cut it out'' Jace muttered, Tightening his grip on my shoulder.

Growling, I took a quick step backwards, Ramming my shoulder into his chest.

He let out a choked cough, His grip loosening enough for me to wrench my arm free.

A panicked hope lit up in my chest as my brain chanted 'Run! run! Run!' Over and over.

Holding my breath, I dashed for the dark part of the forest.

I could hear Jace shout for backup before the rushing of blood covered the sounds of whatever was happening behind me as I ran over the plant covered and animal trodden ground.

I winced as my bare feet stepped on rocks, Thorns and all numbers of sticks as I ran.

The fear rushing through me, Carried by my blood, Kept me running.

I can't stop, I have to run, I can't stop, I NEED to run.

My fear was fueled by the memories of what had happened to my friends, My family, My neighbors, All at the hands of the same people chasing me.

A small, Sane part of my mind, Pointed out that this tribe hadn't really done anything wrong to me, Hell, They even killed the ones who harms me and my tribe.

However, The constant fear filled chants wiped any other thought from my mind that wasn't running.

Even the Frog I had left behind was wiped from my mind, My thoughts, My vision, All of it was dead set on running, On getting away.

The smell of a Smog berry bush reached my nose.

I changed my course of direction to head to the very bad smelling bush.

I had to hide my scent, If I didn't it'd be like I was leaving a line of rope behind me, A clear sign of where I was going.

The potent smelling bush made me wrinkle my nose as I approached it's bright green unripe berries.

It was actually somewhat edible when it was ripe, It has a bitter taste but it helps wake people up.

However when it's unripe it not only stinks to high heaven, It's also poisonous.

Reaching into the bush, I ignored the sharp stings from it's tiny little thorns that coated every branch and leaf as I grabbed a small bunch of the oval shaped berries.

I quickly crushed them over my scent glands, Gagging slightly at the down right hellish smell that came from them.

I wanted to get used to the smell however the sound of leaves and sticks being crushed under boots made me continue my fleeing.

I had no idea where I was in this forest, Nor how to get out of this forest, But neither of those things was what I was searching for.

I needed a sharp stone to cut the ropes still binding my wrists and wings, That way I could shift.

So I hurried further into the forest, My eyes hurriedly scanning the ground even as my legs and lungs burned from running.

I was starting to lose hope when I stepped on a stone that felt sharp enough.

At least I was guessing it was based upon the pain and the fact I could feel blood dripping from my foot.

Hissing in pain, I sat down briefly to pick up the rock before I hobbled over to a tree.

Feathers and Claws (MxMxMxMxM)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz