Chapter 39

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"Oh," Murr started. It was about all he could utter.

"I know. I just wanted you to know the whole story before you jumped to take sides. It's a shitty situation that I brought us into and I hate that it's now become everyone's problem," you told him. "I was really hoping that Sal, Q, and I could put this all behind us for this weekend so we could all have fun together."

Q had his arm around your waist and added, "this has spanned over multiple months now and it's still a problem. He is refusing to have a calm conversation with us and it makes it really hard to try to mend anything. I was willing to accept an apology, but I changed my mind."

"Murr, I want you to be completely honest with me here, and, I don't want to speak for him, but I think Q would want that too." Q nodded. "What do you think of the situation? Is it past the point of no return?"

You were hoping that Murr would be a voice of reason when it felt like there was only chaos. You knew that he only had your side of the story, but when you recapped everything, you tried to retell it as it happened rather than placing all of the blame on Sal.

"In total honesty?" Murr began. "It was a pretty bad idea to kiss Sal in the first place and all of the other times. I'm sorry y/n, but that was pretty sucky of you."

"Don't apologize."

"Q, I probably would have left Lucy had I been in the same situation as you. I don't even know if I should commend you for trusting that y/n would be loyal to you again or if I should yell at you for staying with her while you knew she was out with Sal for rehearsal at night."

"It was tough, but I love her," Q cut in.

"Now, I know you two took a break and that's where shit got crazier, but that's more up for interpretation depending on what you two considered a break. However, from what I see from the two of you now, I'm glad you two are happy together and if y/n ever does anything with Sal, or, god forbid, anyone else, I would end it. You're an enabler, Q."

Q nodded. 

"I do have things to say about Sal too, but that's all I need to say about the two of you. Sorry, it was brutally honest, but you asked for it."

"No need to apologize," you reiterated. "I appreciate honesty."

"Agreed," Q said.

"Now about Sal. He's been dragging this out for way too long. He's acting pathetic and needs to get over it. It seems like he's hanging onto some hope that maybe, just maybe, you'll reciprocate the feelings he has towards you. Of course, he's going to hate on you Q because he sees you as a threat to his imaginary relationship with y/n."

"Makes sense," Q said.

"Still, it doesn't give him a valid reason why he's treating both of you like this. He's acting like a child and I can tell that it's frustrating for both of you."

"It really is. I wish he would get over it and there wouldn't be tension between us. I'm ready to put it in the past. I regret my decisions every day and I know if I wasn't so f**king stupid that my relationship with Q would be so much better and we'd all be having a great time together this weekend."

"Trust me, I would try to talk to Sal about this because I think it's only right to hear both sides of any story, but you know Sal. He won't talk to me about anything serious and I don't think that will change here," Murr told the two of you.

"That's unfortunate," Q said. 

"He barely even talked to me when he was planning on asking you out all those years ago. I heard about it from Joe and he was shocked when I told him that I didn't know anything."

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