It was exactly 8:15 when I knocked on Michael’s door. I knew that because after the first few knocks, I was timing how long it would take for someone to open the door, but another 15 minutes had already passed and there was still not a sound to be heard coming from the other side of the door. Is no one home? Did he really blow me off? 

 So much for his good first impression. 

But I guess I shouldn’t really get heated over this since it’s not like we were close. I shouldn’t have expected anything from him in the first place. 

 I went back into my apartment and immediately threw myself on my bed ready to go to sleep even though it was barely 9,  but I was so grateful to have the feeling of my mattress back on my body again because I could finally get some real rest. 

Michael’s P.O.V. 

 “You’re already trending mate,” Ashton said as we headed inside the studio 

“I just met her yesterday, that’s impossible,” I scoffed 

 “Wanna bet?” He challenged me

“Uh…no,” I said hesitantly as I quickly reached for my phone to check Twitter 

 He was right. 

 As I was scrolling down my phone, all I saw was mine and Jemma’s names plastered onto the tweets. I didn’t even know it was possible to cause this much hysteria in less than 24 hours, but of course our fans proved me wrong. 

“What do I do?” I asked the guys knowing that this was a little out of range for me

 My name had been associated with other girls before, most of them being strangers who I’ve never even met before who claimed to have slept with me or anything else that would increase their follower count at least once in a while, but never as much as the rest of the guys since the fans think I’m a hermit, I can’t blame them for thinking that either. So I still wasn’t used to how we were supposed to deal with these sort of things.

“Just ignore it, it’ll run its course and eventually die down,” Calum advised me

 “Especially with what she tweeted out, everything seems a lot calmer now,” Luke added on 

“Why? What did she tweet?” I asked 

 “@LoveJem: I am single. He is single. We are just friends.” Luke answered as I pulled the same tweet up onto my phone screen 

"Now you just confirm the same thing then it’ll all be over," Ashton finished   

I fiddled my fingers over the keypad of my phone as I prepared to send out my tweet 

 @Michael5sos: what she said 

 ”Hilarious,” Cal said sarcastically as he read my words 

 ”I know,” I praised myself anyways 

 I followed Jemma on Twitter right after and everything in the world seemed to be at peace for a second. But only a second. 

While we were in the studio, I don’t know why but it just wasn’t clicking in us like it usually did. We had writers block plenty of times, but this was different. It wasn’t a type of block, lyrics were actually flowing out of us just fine, but it wasn’t like before. 

It didn’t fit our style, maybe some other band could have it, but not us, and we knew for sure that we couldn’t use it for our next album because of that specific reason. 

Our day was exceedingly frustrating because of the problem we were having but of course, Luke would still have the audacity to point out something specific that was embedded in the lyrics I had in mind for the majority of our session to make things even worse. 

 ”Since when did you have this much thought invested in love dude? You were never the one to write the main parts of our love songs,” Luke said 

 I couldn’t disagree with him because that was true in a way. I just never thought I’d have that in me because love isn’t really something I’ve been that interested in. To this day, I still don’t think I’ve ever felt it for someone else, but if my words were describing what it was, then I hope that one day I will. 

 ”Yeah you’re usually the one who makes our songs more punk, now we’ve gone all lovey dovey fru fru shit,” Calum added on 

 ”Sorry for having emotions,” I defended myself feeling them start to put the blame on me for not making the songs fit with who we are 

 ”Woah it’s already 10 o’clock,” Ashton said quickly trying to bring up another topic so there wouldn’t be any more tension within the band 

 ”What? No it’s not, don’t fuck with me bro,” I told him 

 ”Look,” Ash said holding his phone up for me to see 

 ”Oh yeah, don’t you have that movie thing with your girl tonight?” Cal asked 

"Fuck, that was two hours ago," I groaned 

 ”We have to leave right now,” I urged them packing up my guitar to go 

 ”What do you plan on doing? You said it yourself, that was two hours ago,” Luke said 

 ”I don’t know, but I have to at least try, so hurry the fuck up. I don’t want to mess this up,” 

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