~ Chapter One ~

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  It was a regular day, as all her days have been the same for the past month now. Wake up, Shower, Stream for an hour or two, Get lunch, Edit a new youtube video, and go to bed. She was streaming on twitch when she got a notification on her phone. She unlocked the screen and clicked on the notification. She watched as her phone opened Instagram. She looked at the notification before her. 'One new follower: quackity."  She clicked on the profile, her phone taking her to his page. She studies the page for a moment before looking up at her computer, looking at how many people were watching her stream. 12,000. Not her best, but it was the middle of the day.

 "Guys, who is 'Quackity?" She asked curiously. 

Her chat starting spamming with many different answers. Suddenly, she got a donation that said "QuackityHQ on twitch, and Quackity on youtube! Love your streams, keep up the great work! <3" "Thank you so much for the 25 dollars, and thank you for telling me!" She said replying to her dono.

 She got on her phone again and looked up his channel. She glanced up at her computer and looked for how long she had been streaming, 1 hour and 45 minutes. "Anyways guys, I think I'm going to end the stream here. Thank you for watching, I love you all!" She said ending the stream. She looked back at her phone and clicked on his most recent video. She began to watch the video, spinning back and forth slowly in her chair. Soon after the intro, she was laughing uncontrollably. This guy was hilarious. 

She didn't understand why he had followed her but after the video, she went back to Instagram and followed him back. She looked at the time and yawned, deciding to take a nap. She pulled up one of Quackity's videos on her TV, watching it while trying to fall asleep. When she woke up, she found herself watching another one of his videos. She decided that she didn't need to edit today, since she was ahead of schedule. Her phone buzzed on the table beside her. 

She looked at it for a moment, realizing that Quackity had posted something. She opened Instagram and went to his page. He had posted a selfie of him holding a McDonald's happy meal. She liked the post, commenting "wish I had a happy meal right about now! <3", not expecting him to reply back, he had probably followed her on accident. She began to scroll down her feed, liking a post every now and then. Soon enough, she got a notification. 'DM me. :)'  

She quickly went to her DMs and looked for his name. Once she found it she messaged him. 

"hi! :)" She sent the message and waited for his response. 

Within a minute, he messaged back "Hey! I'm Alex." She smiled and texted back, "I'm Y/N. how are you?"

 They chatted back and forth for a few minutes before he gave her his Discord. She got out of bed and walked over to her computer, opening Discord and sending him a friend request. He accepted and they started texting on there. About 45 minutes later, he said "Wanna get into a VC?"

 "sure! :)" She replied, pushing the call button. They talked for the rest of the night, finding out they had a lot in common.

 "I'm recording a video tomorrow, I want you to be in it. Are you good up for it?" "Oh! Yeah sure, what kind of video?" "It's a Discord's got talent video with Dream."

 "Dream? Who's that?" She said, only having heard of him a few times.

 "He's a Minecraft YouTuber. He does speedrun videos."

 "Ooh, okay. Yeah, I'm down."

"Cool! Does 3 o'clock work for you?"

 "Yep!" She said, and soon they both decided to turn on their cameras.

 They kept talking for a long time, and she ended up falling asleep on call. Alex saw how cute she looked, and took a screenshot. He knew he couldn't post it anywhere, since she hadn't done a face reveal, but he wished he could. After a while, he fell asleep too.


Quick A/N, how was the first chapter? Is the POV okay? Is there anything I need to change? sorry if some details are wrong about Instagram, I don't have it so I wouldn't know. Lmk if there's anything I can do to improve the story. thank you for taking the time to read this, it means a lot to me!

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