Chapter 23: Tea Leaves, Death Omens and Insane Knights

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When, Hermione, Harry, Ron and I entered the great hall for some breakfast. The first thing we saw was Malfoy entertaining some Slytherins with what seemed to be a very funny story. As we passed, he performed a ridiculous impression of a swooning fit and there was a roar of laughter, clearly trying to impersonate Harry as embarrassingly as possible.

"Ignore him," Hermione said to Harry, "He's not worth it."

"Hey Potter!" Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin girl with the face of a pug, shrieked before standing up. Malfoy who spotted me, subtly tried to stop Pansy from egging us on, clearly remembering what happened to him on the train. "Potter! The dementors are coming, Potter! wooo!" Pansy continued.

"Uh oh! Pansy look behind you, it's a bottle of anti-dandruff shampoo, RUN!" I said, trying to get her to shut up as well as getting a laugh from the Gryffindor table. upon hearing this, Pansy's pale face went redder than anyone had ever seen before and she sat down. In response to this, Crabbe, Goyle and another pale looking Slytherin stood up as if they was going to fight me, "Malfoy, get your dogs back on their leashes." I said, staring Malfoy right in his eyes. he silently gestured to his babbling, bumbling band of baboons to sit down, which they did.

"Their not always by my side, L/n," He said emphasizing my last name with a venomous spit, "that's why you should be careful... I won't be there to stop them next time." He said trying his best to intimidate.

We dropped into our seats at the Gryffindor table, across from the Weasley twins.

"New third-year timetables." Said George, passing them over. Hermione's was completely mental, and I was the only one (Apart from Hermione and McGonagall of course) who knew why.

"Um, Hermione, they've messed up your timetable, look, you've got ten subjects a day, there isn't enough time." Ron said, frowning as he looked over her shoulder.

"I'll manage, I've fixed it all with Professor McGonagall." Hermione replied, giving me a look that said 'keep your mouth shut'

"Look, Arithmancy at nine o'clock, and underneath that, Divination at nine o'clock... and-" Ron said as he examined the time table more closely before adopting a look of disbelief, "Muggle studies, nine o'clock, how're you supposed to be in three classes at once?"

"Don't be silly Ronald, I won't be in three classes at once."

"Well then-"

"Pass the marmalade."


"Oh, Ron, what's it to you if my timetable's a bit full?" Hermione snapped. Just then, Hagrid walked into the great hall.

"All righ'?" He said eagerly pausing at our table, "Yer in my firs' ever lesson, righ' after lunch! Bin up since five gettin' everythin' ready... hope it's OK... me, a teacher, hones'ly."

"I've never been this excited for a lesson in my life, Hagrid, I know you'll do great." I said, trying to calm his obvious nerves.

"Thanks Y/n, I'll try do ya's proud." He said before heading to the staff table. Ron checked his timetable.

"We'd better head to Divination, it's in the top of the North Tower, it'll take us ten minutes to get there." Ron said. We finished our breakfasts hastily, said goodbye to the twins and headed on. The journey to the was long and hard... well... for Ron anyway. I haven't been able to memorize every class location in the castle despite being there for two years, also, we haven't even been in the North Tower before.

"There's - got - to - be - a - short - cut." Ron panted as we climbed our seventh staircase. luckily, my dedication to fitness over the last summer really helped my climb the stairs and we eventually emerged on an unfamiliar landing, where there was nothing but a large painting of a bare stretch of grass in sight.

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