~The Beginning

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Catalin's p.o.v.

  I walked down the dimly lit street in silence. Nothing but my sneakers made any sound. I guessed it was around 2 in the morning since it was 1:55 when left home. The cool air blew a breeze and my hair went flying, my loose blonde curls in the wind. While I brushed the hair out of my face, I noticed that the street lamps were going out slowly...one by one.

I quickened my pace. Something felt wrong, and whatever it was I didn't want to know. At the next intersection I made a U-turn, suddenly in a rush to get home.

I jumped and looked behind me, a trashcan had fallen over, but no one was there and the breeze had stopped. "Stop being so paranoid!", I scolded myself mentally. Relaxing slightly, my stiff shoulders loosened. I took a deep breath, but i still had that feeling inside.

Run! My gut screamed at me. I listened and broke off into a full sprint. Better to be safe than sorry. Although I heard nothing I didn't stop. I was almost to the end of the dark, empty street when a dark figure emerged from the shadows. He was average hight, and what seemed like blonde hair and...red eyes?

I tried to scream, but of course my voice wasn't active at the moment I needed it most. The voice in my head screamed at me to do something, anything at all, but no my body stood frozen in place, like a statue.

"Well hello there beautiful.", The man said in a deep voice, a small grin on his face. His voice sent shivers down my back, and not in a good way. I took one step back as he took one forward.

  I tried to buy myself some time. "Who are you?", I squeaked unintentionally, cursing at my weak appearance.

  His smirk became more pronounced as he approached me, giving me a better look at him. He was Gorgeous. He spoke. "Who am I? Thats not important.", As he spoke he smiled, but his eyes were cold, detatched..Hungry.

  "I-IIts imp-portant to mmm-me!", I stuttered, backing away. I knew this wasn't going to end up well. I slipped on a pebble, and fell flat on my ass, still backing away.

  He chuckled. "This should be interesting.", He said to himself, launching himself at me, with barred teeth. My scream was cut off by his hand covering my mouth. I saw his face one last time, before I passed out.              

Hey Wattpad users! Sorry this chapter was so short, i was having writer's block and I'm sooooo tired right now. I haven't been able to write for a while, but I'm back now! (YAY!) So anyway please like,comment and vote! I wuv you all, my darlings.


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