Alternate Ending

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We go back to just after Tokoyami and Asui learned the truth about One For All and Deku and Tokoyami are about to face off against All For One.

"Get ready Tokoyami!" 

Midoriya shouted as he clentched his fist

One For All...Full Cowling...100%

Tokoyami stood next to his friend, Dark Shadow posed at the ready.  Tsu, being too injured to fight, was keeping her distance while calling the police and UA.  

"I hope you boys don't have any regrets you will die with"

All For One chuckled as he raised his arm and fired a giant blast of energy at the two heroes.  Midoriya jumped to the ceiling, using it to redirect himself towards All For One while Tokoyami dove out of the way.  All For One raised his arm to block Deku's attack


Deku changed direction and propelled himself behind All For One (kind of the way Bakugo does) and swept the villain off his legs.  


Dark Shadow grew to a tremendous size and crushed All For One with his giant hand, leaving a big handprint in the stone.  All For One sheepishly got up clutching his forehead.  

"Enough of this.  Time to die"

The villain said in a calm voice.  Deku ran in for another smash but was tossed aside. In the blink of an eye, All For One's hand was again on Tokoyami's face.  

"Do not worry Tokoyami, I will take very good care of Dark Shadow"

All For One chuckled as the bird boy felt his body grow weak.  He could feel the darkness take him as Dark Shadow was being torn from his body. 

Goodbye  Fumigake Tokoyami

Tokoyami heard Dark Shadow cry in his head as he felt his connection to the beast dwindle

Goodbye Dark Shadow

Tokoyami could feel Dark Shadow's pain and agony as if it were his own, he felt the tears rushing down his face as he knew what was coming, but he couldn't fight back.  He couldn't struggle.  Dark Shadow's cries of pain grew louder and louder.  The pain in his chest growing more intense as if a hole was opening up inside him.  He finally let out a cry of agony before the pain was too much and he succumbed to the darkness. 


Tokoyami awoke to the sound of beeping.  He was in a hospital bed.  Tsu was sleeping in a chair next to him.  Her eyes had been red and puffy from crying, and her hair was a mess. Even though she was gross, Tokoyami still thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world.  She was covered in bandages, and her arm was in a sling, but other than that she seemed to have recovered from the fight.  Her eyes slowly opened as he sat up to meet her.  


She croaked, her tears resuming to fall down her face

"What happened? Weren't we all about to die?"

Tokoyami said rubbing the back of his head in pain. 

"We were, but thank god the pros showed up.  It took every single hero in the city to defeat All For One ribbit."

Tsu mumbled not able to look Tokoyami in the eyes.

"How are you feeling? And is Midoriya ok?"

"We're both fine.  I'm actually more banged up than he was"

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