Chapter 7: The Tenth Holder

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Tokoyami choked as he held the dying love of his life in his arms


Tsu smiled, bringing a hand to his face.

"I'm so proud of you.  You fulfilled your promise to Midoriya ribbit.  You saved all of us and you're going to use One For All to save so many more"

Tokoyami let all the tears out as soon as he heard that.

"But I wasn't able to save you.  I failed, just like everything"

He managed to get out in between sobs

"But you did save me.  You showed me what love is and you made this last year one of my best of my entire life.  You're an amazing hero.  You're my hero."  

She tried to kiss him but she was too weak and injured.  She could feel her energy draining little by little.

"Tsu-chan, please don't die.  I love you.  I-I don't know what I'd do without you"

Tokoyami shook her awake but only briefly.  She took his hand and looked deep into his eyes.  She wanted those soft red caring eyes to be the last thing she saw.

"I love you t-too Fumi-Kun ribitt..."

Tokoyami felt her grip on his hand release and he saw the light leave her eyes.  He called UA and the police explaining what happened, and then did nothing but hold her and cry until he could physically no longer shed anymore tears.  

"Young Tokoyami"

He turned around to see All-Might standing there with Detective Tsukauchi.  He watched as the former hero knelt at Midoriya's body and say something to him while Tsukauchi restrained All For One and led him away.  All-Might then went over to Tsu and Tokoyami swore he saw him wipe away a tear.  After wrapping things up at the scene, All-Might finally came over to Tokoyami and gave him a hug.

"I'm sorry All-Might... Midoriya gave me your power to defeat All For One, but I wasn't able to save him or Tsu.  Please forgive me"

Tokoyami sniffled.

"Young Tokoyami, this wasn't your fault.  You are not to blame for anything that transpired here.  If anything, you should be praised and commended for your bravery and valiant actions"

Tokoyami pulled away from him.

"Midoriya was supposed to be your successor.  You deemed him worthy, not me.  So who do you want me to give One For All too?"  The bird boy asked the former symbol of peace. All-Might got down on one knee and clasped Tokoyami's hands.

"One For All was created to one day defeat All For One.  You fulfilled the task of the holder.  You fought to not only defend those you love, but the entire world.  After being your teacher for the year, I have watched you grow and improve.  You have so much potential.  And after the events that have transpired here, I deem you more than worthy to be the tenth holder of One For All.  I can train you like I did Young Midoriya and you can complete his dream of becoming the number one hero and the new symbol of peace. Don't let their deaths be in vain" 

Tokoyami wiped his eyes and regained his composure.

"Thank you.  I accept"

Seven Years Later

"Good morning Japan welcome to Hero News Now and do we have a special guest for you.  Live and in studio,  please welcome the newly voted number one hero Tsukoyomi!"

Tokoyami fulfilled his promise to Midoriya, All-Might, and more importantly to Tsu.  He used One For All to save thousands of people and became number one.  He had been doing these interviews and talk shows for awhile now, and they all asked the same questions.  Then the interviewer got to the one question that always made him shed a tear inside.

"And what about any lovely ladies waiting for you at home eh Tsukoyomi?"

"There are none and there will never be one"

Was all that Tokoyami would reply with.  Every single time.  He never forgot Tsu.  She always lived on with him in his heart, and her love gave him the strength and courage he needed to protect the innocent.  He never loved before her, and he would never love again.

Revelry in the Dark

P.S If you don't like sad endings, I gotchu on the next chapter with a (somewhat) happy alternate ending.  But I think sad powerful endings elicit stronger emotional reactions from the audience, so I didn't make the alternate ending a perfect utopia

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