Chapter 2

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In the picture is Avery                                                                        


Avery pov

i woke up with a very  bad headache, I sigh 'i need to think of a plan fast ' as i was thinking a someone caught my attention or rather someone i saw a guard with key in his pocket he was roaming around the basement i started thinking at how to grab his attention when I saw him sitting down  *BOOM*  I found an idea

'lets hope this work' i then called out for the guard which he didn't respond too "AHHHHHHHH"  he flinched and then looked at me" what's wrong kiddo"  "l-look there was something  moving here "I pointed at a random corner 'i saw him heading towards my cell "where i don't see anything" he said while trying to find the "the moving thing"  "here l-look it moving again "

He looked closely then* BANG!!!* i banged his head on the cell bar, he immediately fell unconscious    i then took the key at at opened the cell door almost immediately and started running like my life depended on it "THERE CATCH HER !!"I head a guard yelling  I didn't even take a glance as I was running so fast when i reached the woods I turned into a wolf and ran to where the woods would take me

After 3 hours of running I tried to find a cave  where I can at least take a small rest i found a small cave not too far and i started walking towards it

i shifted back ,and slept





"Dude ,i cant find anything to hunt" i heard a voice which I responded with a flinch I looked around trying to find where the voice came from but measurably failed ,i went deeper in the cave hoping to hide myself from the unknown voice ,i waited for a good 5 minutes but heard nothing but silence so I went out hoping to be unseen or heard by the voices which I immediately regretted ,i saw 2 wolves running towards me , I shifted as fast as I can and started running again 

i was suddenly pushed to a tree and everything went black

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