"Follow me."

"Chat where are we going?" Chat grabbed Ladybug by the wrist before stepping off in a new direction.

"We don't have much time. You've got a minute left." Unsure, his partner followed him. Together they made a mad dash for a nearby alley way. "Claws in."

"What are you.....?" Ladybug's voice cut off. Where had he put that thing? Finally, Adrien found what he was looking for in his back pocket. They probably only had thirty seconds now. As fast as he possibly could, Adrien pulled up the camera on his phone, making sure to change the setting to video.

"Hey, just wanted to say. If you're seeing this, your memory has been wiped for the previous akuma fight. Just so you know, we were sent into Beauty and the Beast, Marinette is Ladybug. She is your lady." The words rolled off his tongue in a rush, each vowel forcing a stutter.

"It's the truth! Believe every word! I'm not about to lose you again Chaton!" Ladybug piped up, her words sincere but urgent. That would have to do. Ladybug's earrings beeped. With one last quick glance at each other, Ladybug held up the lucky charm.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" With a strong swing, Ladybug tossed the suction cup into the sky. Before he could register anything, Adrien felt Ladybug's hands on his cheeks as she pulled him in for a kiss. It was forceful, but after getting his bearings, he reciprocated. He hoped he wouldn't forget any of this. There was too much at stake to lose if he did. Not that he had any choice in the matter. The magic rushed through Paris, as Ladybug's detransformation began. That was when they parted, her body pulling back gently. By the time the miraculous ladybugs made a full circle around, all that was left was Marinette's mask, her raven blue hair softly rising with the wind and magic. It was a sight to see that was for sure. A pure vision of beauty. Then, just like that Adrien wasn't sure what was going on anymore. Where was he? Why was he standing in a dark alley way with....Marinette!? How!? What!? The last thing he remembered was fighting a fairytale themed akuma, but that was it. He had taken Ladybug to this alley for some reason. He remembered that, except he couldn't recall why. Along with that, Ladybug was nowhere in sight. Marinette seemed just as confused as he was. What had happened? Adrien himself was even more caught off guard, when he found that he was in his civilian wardrobe. Had he revealed his identity!? Uh oh. Ladybug would kill him if he did! That wouldn't end well, and he was even more terrified of the prospect of having Ladybug furious with him for telling his top secret. The last time she was angry with him was New York, and that wasn't a memory he liked to dwell on at all.

"Aa.a..a..a...Adrien!?" Marinette's voice drug him from his thoughts. He shifted on his weight as he looked across the alley at her. He was met with familiar bright blue eyes that appeared just as frightened as he was.

"Marinette?" He answered trying to keep his voice steady. Play it cool Agreste. She can't know that you're Chat Noir. Ladybug would kill you. Adrien swallowed nervously as Marinette parted her lips to speak.

"What's going on?" Her voice was just as shaky as his was. That was a surprise. Adrien had seen Marinette stutter and blab before, but somehow this was entirely different. This was more of a fearful sputter.

"I have no idea." Adrien tried to remain calm. If his friend was really this scared, then he was going to be the strong one and make her feel better. He himself was a little confused, but he wasn't really scared, as long as he set aside the fact about Ladybug that had dwelled on his mind a few minutes ago. He stepped over to his friend and wrapped his arm around her shoulder comfortingly. "Come on. I'll take you home." Marinette accepted the offer and together they made the trek to the bakery. Along the way, Adrien had felt Marinette relax, leaning into him, her head and fist pressed against his chest. It was nice to know that she was finally coming around to him. She always seemed so uncomfortable when he was around, and he couldn't figure out why but like that mattered in this moment. By the time Adrien made it home it was past dinner time. His father was enraged on his tardiness and absences throughout the day. It wasn't like it was his fault that an akuma struck Paris today, or that Marinette needed a friend to help her calm down. Okay, maybe it was his fault for being late to dinner, but who tells Tom Dupen 'No' when he offers you a place at the dinner table. Adrien would take supper with the Dupen Cheng's over dinner with his father any day. Sounded a bit sad and disrespectful, but it was the honest truth. After his lecture, Adrien went up to his room and flopped onto his bed. Today had been a long day, and all he really wanted to do was relax before falling asleep. So, as the teen crawled under his covers, he pulled out his phone. The original intention was to open the youtube app and just watch the latest cat videos that he shamefully found hilarious, but instead he opened his phone to the camera app. He was about to close it when he saw the little bubble in the corner showing the play button for a video. When had he taken a video? Unsure, of what the thing was, Adrien opened up his gallery and clicked on the file. It was a video of the alley way with him and Ladybug.

"Hey, just wanted to say. If you're seeing this, your memory has been wiped for the previous akuma fight. Just so you know, we were sent into Beauty and the Beast, Marinette is Ladybug. She is your lady. It's the truth! Believe every word! I'm not about to lose you again Chaton!" What on earth was this!? Adrien's brain was reeling. Ladybug knew his identity!? Moreover, Marinette was Ladybug!? Marinette was Ladybug! But how!? When!? Was this true!? If it was then......suddenly everything came flooding back to him. The dance, the fight with Gaston, the studio...everything. He glanced at the screen again, only to see Ladybug place her hands on his cheeks and pull him in for a kiss. Adrien's fingers brushed his lips as he remembered. That actually happened! Immediately, Adrien knew what he had to do. He had to go back to the bakery.

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