Chapter 32: Retaking the Throne

Start from the beginning

Ain't no passing craze

Donald and Goofy: It means no worries

Luke: For the rest of your days

Timon: Yeah, sing it, kid!

Luke, Donald, Goofy and Timon: It's our problem-free

Pumbaa: Philosophy

Luke, Donald, Goofy, Timon and Pumbaa: Hakuna Matata!

Okita lets out an annoyed sigh. "And now they're joining in."

"In times like this, it's best to ignore them," says Asch, while the song continues.

Timon and Pumba: Hakuna Matata x3

Luke, Donald and Goofy: It means no worries

For the rest of your days

Luke, Donald, Goofy, Timon and Pumbaa: It's our problem-free philosophy

Hakuna Matata x7

After waiting long enough, we soon start to go looking for Simba and Nala. Along the way, I somehow even managed to find a page that belongs to Pooh's book. Not only that, but...

"Hakuna!" Timon exclaims.

"Matata!" Luke, Donald, Goofy and Pumbaa exclaim in sync.

"Hakuna!" Timon exclaims.

"Matata!" Luke, Donald, Goofy and Pumbaa exclaim in sync once more.

"Would you all cut that out? You're getting me a migraine," Asch complains.

"Same here," Hijikata says, annoyed.

"They're just having fun," I say, hoping to calm them down.

"Yeah, but they've been at it for half an hour already," Okita points out, just as annoyed.

When we all arrive at a clearing, we see Nala and Simba. I'm not sure what happened, but judging by the look on Nala's face, something tells me that things didn't end well between them.

"He's not the Simba I remember. Something about hakuna matata..." Nala says as she walks past us, most likely leaving.

Wanting to know some answers, I walk up to Simba. "So? What did you two talk about? She must've told you what state the Pride Lands are in right now, right?"

"She did. But I can't. I can't go back," Simba answers.

"Why not?" Heisuke asks.

Simba sighs, refusing to look at any of us. "You wouldn't understand. It doesn't even matter anymore."

Hearing Simba say that takes my friends and I by surprise. I mean, none us ever expected to hear that from him.

"Doesn't matter? Simba, your home is being destroyed. The land is suffering because of your uncle. We were there. We saw what state it's in right now. There's no water, all of the plants are dead, and there's a bunch of Heartless roaming all over the place," I say.

"Scar and the hyenas have been over-killing. Nala told us how all of the herds left the Pride Lands to survive," Saito points out.

"Simba, if something isn't done, your subjects will starve," Harada says. "You need to take your place as king. It's your responsibility."

"You know, now you're all starting to sound like my father," says Simba, who turns around to face us with an annoyed look.

"Good. At least one of us does," says Okita.

Kingdom Hearts 2: 2nd sequel to the Legendary 8th Princess of HeartWhere stories live. Discover now