ɢʟɪᴛᴛᴇʀʏ ɴᴏᴛᴇs

Start from the beginning


Yumiko looks up, confused at the sudden sound. "Sorry, did you say something?"

"Yeah, do you have a spare pencil for me? I forgot to pack mine." The lie leaves his lips without a second thought, eyes still focused fully on the girl.

"Of course! Here you go." Rummaging through her pencil case for a bit, she pulls out a purple one, covered in glitter. Looking at him sheepishly "Sorry, I forgot to pack normal ones. I hope you don't mind glitter pens."

She handed him the pen, fingers touching briefly. He jus gives her an amused smile and her heart skips a beat at the view.

That's the first time he smiled.

"Thank you."

"No problem." She can't stop her own smile from spreading.


The prof finally wraps up his class and dismisses all of them. Without another word she starts packing her notebook and pencils again. Turning to Akaashi "I guess I'll see you around."

She gives him one last smile before turning around and making a beeline for the big doors in the back.

"Wait, Sakamoto!"

She turns around and sees Akaashi walking up to her, bag slung over his shoulder and pen in his hand. "You-"

He was about to say something when a loud voice suddenly interrupted them.

"Hey, hey, hey!!" A guy pushed past her with way too much speed, nearly making her trip but another hand caught her shoulder just in time, saving her the embarrassment of falling.

"Dude you gotta be more careful." A deep voice behind her said. "You nearly made this cute girl fall."

Heat rose in her cheeks at the compliment. Instantly catching Akaashi's eyes.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." A buff guy with black and white hair said, towering over her.

She took a step back but her back collided with the other person, that still has their hands resting on top of her shoulders. She swallowed "I-its okay, it happens."

A relieved smile spreads on his face, making him instantly seem less scary. "Thank God! My name's Bokuto Koutarou by the way." He grins, extending his hand.

She hesitantly took it, shaking it. "Sakamoto Yumiko."

"Cute Name." He gives her another smile and she gives him a small one in return, instantly catching his eyes with it.

So beautiful..

His gaze travels farther down, until he sees that Kuroo's still holding on to her. Frowning he looks up at him "Dude you should probably let her go, I'm not gonna run her over anymore."

"Oh right." She hears the guy behind her say, relaxing as his touch leaves. Yumiko never was a big fan of strangers touching her.

"Sorry 'bout that."

She steps to the side, now able to look at all three of the men.

"My name's Kuroo." The shoulder-guy introduces himself, stretching out his large hand to shake hers and she accepts.

"Sakamoto Yumiko."

He only nods and gives you a flashy smile in return, before turning towards Akaashi, his smile fading. "We should probably get going or Kenma will be pissed off again and you know what happened the last time."

Yumiko frowns, curious who that Kenma person is but she's in no place to ask so she just keeps her mouth shut about it.

"I don't think anyone is in the mood for that." Akaashi says rolling his eyes before turning his attention to Yumiko once again, stretching out his hand with the purple glitter pen in his hand. "I forgot to give it back, that's why I called after you."

"Oh." She nodded and takes the pen back, stuffing it into her purse. "Thank you."

"No problem."

She gives them all a nod. "I should get going, I still have a lot of stuff to do... So I'll see you around I guess?"

"Sure thing." Kuroo answers before Akaashi could, confusing her a bit but she doesn't comment on it and gives them a last smile before leaving and heading for the dorms.

The guys watched her as she walked away, her skirt swaying a bit.

"She's beautiful.." Bokuto says, voicing all of their thoughts, before turning to the blue eyed boy. "So you like glitter pens now Akaashi?"

He just rolls his eyes in response and starts walking towards the door aswell. "Why, jealous?"

He hears Bokuto and Kuroo starting to  bicker behind him as they leave the lecture hall, his mind still stuck on the girl from class.


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