Chapter 1

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''And that is it for Pythagarean Therom you guys can pack up",Mrs.Morrison said. Finally! Just three more minutes until summer break were i could be free, and away from high school, test and quizzes. As i put my books and pencil pouch up, Riley (my crush and friend) walked over to me.  "Hello Riley", i said sarcastically sitting down. "Hello Laney",he said the same way. " Want to hang out at Calebs house tonight Hazel,Jacob,and Caitlin are going to be there, like a end of the school year party". As he talked i was just lost in his crystal blue eyes. "So you want to go?",he said touching my hand. I jumped and he moved his hand. "Sorry um.. ill be there at 6:00, what are we going to be doing over there anyway",i asked looking at the clock, 30 seconds." Just drinking and smoking... oh i'm just kidding just playing foseball, and ordering pizza ", he said laughing. I tried to laugh. I didnt take the whole smoking and drinking think humerously.My dad was a struggling alchoholic and thats the reason my mom and dad got a divorce and my father moved to Dallas, Texas and Mom, my sister Genevieve, and i stayed in California. Ring. Ring. Ring. The bell finally rang and i was out of there. I picked up my sister and we got in the car.Of course she sat in the passenger seat! I started the car. "Hey so mom texted me and she said she has to tell us something really important so we have to get home right away", i told Genevieve". Her face turned to a happy expression."Do you think its about Dad do you think he's going to stay with us for the summer",Genevieve said. "I wouldn't want him to, i mean he hasn't seemed to visit us in  5 years and he has never shown up to any of your basketball games or any of my Cheer tournaments. Why are you so happy that he might be coming", i said driving into Chick fi lae so i could pick us up a minnie lunch, which me and Genevieve loved. "Well i just wanted to see-", she said but i interupted her with my finger as i pulled up to the speaker. As i ordered and got our food, we drove home quitley. "Hey mom ", Genevieve said walking into the house. " I told you guys to get here fast. oh you got chick fi lae, i'm not mad anymore pass me my chicken salad", Mom said laughing." But mom really what did you have to tell us that was so important", i said sitting at the table. Mom hesitated." Your not going to like, it but ill tell you". " Mom whatever it is we can handle it right Genevieve", i said. "Genevieve looked at me with a piece of her sandwich in her mouth. "Huh", she said. " Alright ill tell you next Monday you and your sister are going to Texas with your dad for the whole summer", mom said quickly. What!  

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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