010. burning away the sins

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          "Still asleep in my bed." Nan informed.

          "I'm guessing he's still in bad shape and you guys didn't take each others virginity." Juliet muttered, throwing another head like a basketball into the fire, watching it go up in flames in satisfaction.

           Both Zoe and Nan shot her a look of disapproval, before Zoe insisted, "We have to get him out of the house."

          "He's not well enough yet." Nan argued.

          "Well, he can't stay here."

          Unlike they had thought their Supreme could clearly hear them and she spoke up, saying, "He can and he will." All of them paused in their work to send looks of shock to their supreme. "No sense rushing him back to his Holy Roller mother till he recovers. She'd only call the cops anyhow."

          Nan looks absolutely delighted, dropping her shovel and running towards the house to most likely see Luke, leaving them behind saying, "Thank you."

          "I like a witch who knows how to fight. You've done this coven a great service, Zoe, I won't forget it. Go on." Fiona says, before nodding towards the house, letting her free. She went silently, and Juliet was left to stare at the woman who turned towards her. "Sounds as though you're the only one smart enough to fight with magic. You too have done a great job. Now, Nan and Zoe mentioned a boy with you."

          Juliet just shrugged. "He's a friend I met at a coffee shop." She lied. "He knows witches so he stopped to help."

          Fiona eyed her, clearly not fully believing her. "A friend would have to be very close to help with killing dead people." Juliet glanced down, having thought the sane thing but not wanting to admit it. "Secrets aren't kept long in this house, Juliet. Now, run along."

          Juliet didn't say anything, only left, passing by Delphine who wandered past her to face Fiona.


          The burning of Myrtle Snow would talk place at precisely eight a.m. the next day after being gathered to judge Fiona, who had only proved Myrtle Snow guilty of the disfigurement of Cordelia Foxx. The sun beat down on them as they walked past the city limits, hear bearing down on them in their black clothes, Myrtle the only one to be wearing something other than black, looking out of character in a white dress that didn't fit her well and could be described as a trash sack. Her hands were tied to prevent her from escaping. Despite being on the council, Myrtle wasn't powerful enough to have anything up her sleeve to get away. She was one of the few lower level witches who was smart and had a good memory but not powerful to preform major spells.

          Juliet watched Fiona from the back, seeing the way her back slumped slightly. She had no fondness for Myrtle, but she knew how burning would go, how it had gone for her and she wished there was some other, less painful way. One day she may feel differently, but the thought of watching someone else suffer by fire made her stomach queasy.

          Juliet wore a short dress that reached her knees, her boots  sinking into the gravel on the path to the honorary burning site. Her raven black hair was let loose, and she fixed her black cardigan which reached her ankles to make sure it stopped sliding off her bony arms. She was definitely dressed more formally, her black stockings hiding the skin on her legs and looked as though she were going to a fancy funeral. The weird part was that she didn't mind it.

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