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7st September 2017

'Mum give me her a break, Oakley is old enough to choose her own outfit now!'

My mum hesitantly placed down the denim overalls on Oakleys' office chair, peeking over her shoulder at me standing in the doorway.

'I'm sorry honey, she's just growing up too fast.' She sighed, giving an apologetic smile towards Oakley.

Oakley is my older sister, she's heading to Yale University tonight and we are all helping her pack her last suitcase. Oakley and I are what you might call complete opposites, Oakley is about 4 years older than I am and is heavily academic, she does nothing but read and research all day, but at night, she's out partying god knows where. She's the 'Golden Child' both pretty enough to be a model and smart enough to be the next UK Prime Minister. Now, you're probably expecting me to go on about how i'm always compared to her, but that's not the case. Yes, my parents used to encourage me to be more like Oak, but when they realised that was not going to happen they gave up, now their embracing the idea of having a daughter thats average at everything. Not amazing in one area or terrible in the other, but average at everything. Yes, it's boring, but it's also easy. 

'Don't worry mum, I appreciate the help.' Oak replied, smiling back.

Then it hit me, i'm not going to see Oak for months, although we are quite the opposites, we are still the closest siblings out there. Without realising, tears slowly started trickling down my cheeks.

'Hey Delta? Can i borrow your- Are you crying?' Oakley sped towards me and without hesitation, wrapped me in the most comforting and needed hug i've ever had.

'I-i'm sorry i just- it only just hit me that this is the last time i'm going to see you for a while.' I chocked out, trying to hold back the sobs threatening to spill.

'Hey! It's not going to be that long! Only a few months then i'm back for Christmas!' Little does she know, it'll be more than just a few months until our next encounter.

'All right girls, the plane won't wait forever!' Dad yelled from downstairs.


'I'll see you soon yeah, Delly?'

'Yeah, i'll see you soon, Oak.' 

I wrap her in one last hug as I watch her enter through the airport gate.

And that was the last time Oakley Smith was ever seen again by her dear sister, or so she thought.

WORDS: 425

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