Chapter Two

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After a few hours, it was around lunch time. Sunset was carrying her tray of lunch to the table where she usually sat along with her friends. She sat down and laid her tray on the table. She noticed that her other friends came to the table and sat down. They were having mac 'n cheese, sided with a garden salad and garlic bread, and a chilled water bottle.

"So, how was everyone's day so far?" Sunset asked the group.

"I say, it was great! I got an A+ on my math final," Twilight replied with a wide smile on her face.

"How about you guys?" Sunset asked the remaining girls who has yet to respond.

"It was alright," replied Applejack.

Next was Pinkie.

"It was soooo boring! Thank goodness it's lunchtime..." replied Pinkie.

"It was good," replied Fluttershy.

"I'd say it was... rather unusual, but I'm completely feeling fabulous today," replied Rarity.

"Well, duh! It's so boring without Rainbow Dash! I still got the feeling she ditched school," Pinkie assumed.

They all began to talk and eat their lunch. Though, Sunset thought it's a good time to talks about the strange presence she's been feeling for the past few hours. She waited until it became silent.

After a couple minutes passed, it became silent. Everyone was focusing on finishing their food, well, besides Pinkie who finished in a span of two minutes. She was fiddling with her hair, then decided to check her phone. Applejack was mostly done, Rarity was about halfway, Fluttershy was not close to halfway, Twilight was nearly close to being finished, and Sunset just finished her last bite. She thought that "now" was a good time to talk about the strange energy going on, so she broke the silence.

"So... has anyone felt a weird feeling lately?" asked Sunset as she looked up at the girls across from her.

"Uhhh...." was there reply.

"I haven't," responded Twilight who turned to Sunset, who was sitting next to her.

"Well... I kinda felt this kinda feeling when someone was watching you during PE," was all Pinkie could say.

"And, Ah also had this strange feeling. Ah couldn't explain what it is, but it was strange. Ah thought it was because Ah was nervous for the finals, or somethin'," Applejack recalled.

"And, I had this feeling that someone was watching me. I felt scared, that's why I rushed to the cafeteria," Fluttershy quivered.

"How about you Rarity?" asked Sunset.

"Well, I haven't as well, if I do, I'll tell you as soon as possible," Rarity conversed.

"Well, if there's something, anything, make sure to let me or Twilight know," Sunset concluded, "just be careful."

"Whatever is the matter, darling?" asked a concerned Rarity.

Sunset knew it was the time to talk about her strange feeling during her classes. She assumed it was Equestrian magic that probably made it into their world and could possibly be dangerous. Their conversation went on for another five minutes until the bell rang. They got up, threw their trays, and left the cafeteria, said their goodbyes, and went to their lockers.

Sunset was walking to art class, whom she usually has with Rainbow Dash. Speaking of which, she has forgotten to ask Rainbow if she felt any strange feeling around her. Before she entered the classroom, she quickly got out her phone and texted Rainbow Dash. Sunset waited for a minute to wait for her reply. For wait seemed like hours, Sunset sighed and placed her phone back into her pocket and went inside the classroom.
Art was usually Sunset's favorite class of the day, but today, it wasn't right. While the other students were doing their usual painting assignment. Sunset grabbed her bag, pulled out her journal, and began to write to Princess Twilight.
She wrote:

Dear Princess Twilight,

It's been quite a while since we wrote to each other. Hey, I have to tell you something. I've been having this weird feeling that their might be Equestrian magic somewhere in my world. It has affected most of my friends. Your other you hasn't, Rarity hasn't, and I'm not sure if Rainbow Dash has as well. I don't know what it is. It's kinda hard to explain. According to Pinkie and Fluttershy, they had a feeling that they've been watched. I don't know what this feeling is, and I was hoping you could help. Well, that's what I have to say. How's it back at your world? I hope things are going well. Got to go, I'm in class right now, and I don't want to get in trouble, see ya!

Your friend,
                Sunset Shimmer

Sunset closer her journal and placed it back in her bag. She thought that Princess Twilight was probably very busy and wouldn't be able to reply quickly. So she sighed in relief and let her worries go. She decided to do some painting to clear her mind off things.

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