"No," Beck said shaking his head. "Don't. Come on sweetheart, I'll make you something." He stood and wrapped his arm around my waist. He led me down to the kitchen and I groaned in pain. He stood behind me and pressed my back to his chest. He kissed my neck and I leaned my head against his shoulder. "Shhhhhhh it's ok," he whispered. "How does oatmeal sound?"

"Pretty please?" I sighed.

'Of course baby." he said and put me on the countertop, while he got busy getting everything together. The boys filed in and plopped themselves down at the kitchen table.

"We're in the same boat as you man," Justin groaned. Beck stood at the stove stirring a pot, and looked at him over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow.

"The girl's- they're on their you know...girl time." Will said cringing. I laughed out loud at the look on his face. "What?"

"You just seem so uncomfortable.. you can say it you know it's not a bad word. We're on our periods," I teased and the boys all shuddered and turned red, " Big babies." Beck chuckled and turned back to the oatmeal.

"No thank you- I dont like thinking it much less saying it" Hunter said wincing.

"Maybe I'll hang out with them later." I said thinking out loud.

"NO!" Beck, Will, Hunter and Justin all yelled. Woah there down boys.

"Mkay maybe not..." I said looking from guy to guy.

"Its just you together is bad enough...nevermind when you're well..." Beck said looking around the room.

"When we're menstruating?" I said with a smirk. The boys blushed and Ryan gagged.

"Ew. Okay that's enough out of you. Never say that word again." Beck said. I grinned and opened my mouth. "Don't even think about it," and shoved a spoonful of oatmeal in my mouth. I moaned when it hit my taste buds. "Good huh?" I opened my mouth in response. He laughed and fed me another spoonful. I sighed in content- but it was cut short when another cramp attacked my abdomen.

I groaned and laid back against the counter, clutching my stomach. I closed my eyes and tried to take a dew deep breaths.

"Aww princess, come on a few more bites and then you can take something." he murmured rubbing my thigh. I sighed and Beck pulled me up into an upright position. I took the spoon from him and ate about half the bowl before i laid back down and closed my eyes. A few minutes later i heard the sink running and a bottle of pills rattling. "Sit up munchkin." I groaned and pushed myself up. Beck dropped two pills in my hand and a glass of water. I swallowed them quickly and downed the glass of water.


"A bit." I replied. I looked around the kitchen- the boys were gone. "Where'd they...?"

"Border Patrol." He supplied with a grin. "Princess I have a few meetings today..." I groaned. "What?"

"I dont want you to go to meetings all day." I pouted.

"I have to, love, Im the Alpha."

"Can't you cancel." He sighed and walked to stand between my legs.

He shook his head. "I cant because these meetings are very urgent and about something very important to me."

"Beck- I know the pack is important to you and i haven't been around long but I don't want to be all by mysel-" he cut me off.

"These meetings arent about the pack." he said softly.

"Then what could they possibly be about?"

The Alpha's PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now