Wolf: actually you are fakes.

Sirzech: what do you mean?

Wolf: a demon is suppose to be evil and kill yet you guys can't do that. Their so powerful that they can kill you without trying.

Most people were shock knowing that the people they thought were demons were false.

Camera shows where the pod landed as a voice started to talk.

???: you say your people will not bring you peace. Well make *the opens up and someone comes out* the burden you carry worst.

Maple: that's sounds cruel.

Some people agreed with her.

They then see Salvador walk through a hallway in futuristic armor as another voice talks.

???: for Millennia, we have survived. *shows a female robot appearing infront of Salvador* made others sacrifice *shows the top half of a robot* in the name of our prosperity. *shows a circle forming* who are you *shows the female robot being the one talking* a human *goes back to the HQS as the circle completed* to defy our tradition. *the circle powers on and becomes a portal as Salvador cocks his shotgun*

Yang and Bakugo: what the hell is that weakling going to do.

Sun: I bet he can't even take down one.

Most of union starts to agree, all except maple. Maple then decided to say something.

Maple: Salvador can do it, I know he can.

Weiss: oh please, he can't even kill a Grimm.

Maple: he can but he chose not to.

Ozpin: what do you mean?

Maple: Salvador see himself in them. He see an animal that's scared, an animal that's just trying to survive.

Ruby: how is that possible.

Maple: he told that he lived on the streets when he was just 6.
His parents were killed by rouge huntmen. After that, he went the forest so he can get stronger. When he was going to kill his first grim, he saw himself in it. He decided to not kill them and to get stronger his own. But after joining union, he decided to break that rule.

Yang: and look where that got him.

Maple then looks at yang with an angry look before looking back at the screen.

Salvador shots his shotgun and goes back a little. He turns to a demon and fires the meat hook at it. He flys towards the demon as it fires projectile at him but Salvador jumps over it as he firing rockets down upon the demon, killing it.

Irina: he killing them like he's been doing it for year's.

Wolf: actually, he been doing this for eons.

Everyone was shocked to hear that he's been doing this for that long.

The camera then cuts to Salvador shooting a rocket at two demons as he run to a jump pad. As he goes up and lands on a platform, he shoots a green orb. The demon shoots a stream of lightning but couldn't reach Salvador. Salvador then shoots the demon with the same stuff and explodes it.

Everyone was scared at what it happening and how Salvador is killing them.

The camera then shows Salvador with a mini gun fighting a hovering demon as it then fires missile at him but a shield appears infront of him as he kills the hovering demon. He shots his shotgun at a demon before backing away from it only for him dash and punch it before shooting it.

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