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It was flawless and it fascinated her. She still wasn't a fan of tattoo's but she very much liked his tattoo on him.

When Xanthos began to shift, Cyane tensed. Dropping on her side beside him, she closed her eyes feigning sleep.

A minute passed and another. When she couldn't resist anymore, she opened one eye in a chink and when she found arctic blue eyes fixed on her, she inhaled sharply and quickly closed her eyes.

A low laugh vibrated through his powerful frame before he extended an arm and holding her by her narrow waist, he pulled her towards him in one swift movement. His body covered her own as he bent his head and trailed kisses on her collarbone. When his mouth pressed against his mark on her neck, she closed her eyes and gasped, her head rearing back on the pillow.

In the past few days, she had concluded that it was the most sensitive spot in her body. As he continued his sweet, expertise torture, she bucked into him. When Xanthos bit the mark again, she shuddered and moaned. Loud.

Rubbing his nose against the mark, he laughed low and masculine that sounded like music to her ears because she loved hearing him laugh and it was a sound, she knew she would forever hoard close as a precious memory.

For the past three days, Cyane felt like she was floating in heaven. Without his friends around, Xanthos had spent a lot of his time with her and a lot of things have changed between them. She woke up in the morning to find herself deliciously wrapped in his strong arms and they would kiss and kiss and kiss until they were breathless. Then he would take her out for breakfast and they would explore the markets in the cities.

As they sat in shades and sipped Sylvan coffee, he would patiently answer all her questions. He had hesitantly shared with her the details of all the odd jobs he had done in the past. In turn, he had asked her several questions about her love for art and he had seemed genuinely interested to see her work. When she had asked him what his hobby was, he hadn't even blinked when he had said killing people. Xanthos shocked her but he also enthralled her.

He loved purchasing things for her and anything she looked at longingly was hers. However, Cyane who was aware of Xan's financial problems flatly refused to buy more clothes or sandals. The only thing she had truly wanted to buy was a map and on her insistence, he had purchased a geographical map of the kingdom. Cyane had been able to locate the Iron Fort through it and it was an hour and a half drive from Xan's apartment.

After lunch, Xan would be gone for a couple of hours for work and Cyane had spent that time either napping or anxiously waiting for him to return because she knew he was to meet the king. The meetings were conducted in strange outdoor places and like her, Xan too was suspicious about it because he had mentioned earlier that the meeting used to always take place in palace grounds.

He never shared the details of the meeting with her and she never asked. She still hated that he worked for the king but she wasn't going to force him to make a choice either. She wasn't going to become another king in his life and manipulate him to do what she wanted.

He had already lied to the king by not telling him about her and it was a decision that came with consequences. Cyane was sure Xanthos was aware of those consequences yet he did not seem to worry so much about it. She just had to trust him because she knew he was clever and had surely thought of a way around this situation too.

They spent the nights in his apartment scratching things off her list. As per her request he had brought her spicy food and had laughed when she had been fanning her burning tongue. Later, to cool her heated face, he had kissed her all over the face which hadn't helped matters. When probed, Cyane had been forced to confess that she had eaten meat before.

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