« ♡ » Chapter 11 - The Letter

Start from the beginning

"And Anti," Dark started again, "I want you to know that I would never dare hold Die in higher regard than you- I trust you both with my life, and I don't wish to be on bad terms with either of you. After all..." Dark paused. "You are my closest friends."

Anti nodded. "I know."

"What did you want to 'propose', anyway?" Dark asked.

"Oh," Anti seemed caught off-guard by this. "It doesn't matter, honestly. It can wait for another time. You look beat, anyway. You should get some sleep," He sounded nervous, which was very unlike Anti.

"No, really, I would like to know." Anti became a little bashful.

"I was wondering if, y'know... you'd let the lass free-roam a little? To keep herself occupied? I just figured she'd be less likely to want to escape, seein' as she'd have somethin' to do..." Anti kicked the carpet with his shoe, putting his hands into his pockets. "Maybe she'd stop bein' such a prick then."

Dark fiddled with the cover of the leather journal in his hands as he thought.

"I don't think that would be the best idea, Anti. Do you know how unpredictable this human is? The lengths she's gone to? It would be unwise to leave her alone for too long."

"She's alone right now," Anti said. "In the garden. I left her there by herself while I came to talk to you."

Dark's expression became confused. "What?" Anti nodded.

"I left her in the garden by herself. We can go see her if you don't believe me." Anti grabbed Dark's arm, assuming he was too tired to teleport, and blurred them away.

When the world reappeared around them were in the garden, hidden behind a few large hedges and shrubs.

"Look, there she is now." Anti pointed through the leaves and sure enough, there she was; (Y/n) was sitting in front of a bush of lavender, admiring the colourful butterflies that were swarming it.

"She hasn't tried to escape, now has she?" Anti said.

"No, but that doesn't make me any more pleased that you left her unattended without my permission." Dark side-eyed him.

Anti realised had picked a good time to confront Dark, as he was far too tired to truly get upset over anything.

"So what if you let her roam the castle?" Anti said. "Just the castle, and maybe the garden, with the supervision of Die, you, the pups or me."

Dark turned to look at him. "They aren't pups, Anti. They're fully matured wolves-"

"Oh, whatever," Anti exclaimed in a loud whisper. "Do you think it's a good idea or not?"

"Anti?" (Y/n) called out suddenly, standing up from her spot and brushing off her knees. "Is that you?"

"Think about it all ye want, and in the end, you don't have to say yes." Anti finished before jumping out from behind the shrub.

"Sure is, lass," he said as he made his way over to (Y/n). "Have ye got enough fresh air, yet? I think my allergies are startin' to act up from all this pollen."

"Do demons have allergies?" she asked.

"Fuck do I know," Anti said. "I just want to get out of here." (Y/n) laughed and they made their way towards the corridor that led back into the castle.


"Master PewDie, Sir," a maid hollered from outside the door to Die's office. "I have some letters addressed to The King. They arrived this morning."

"Yes, of course," Die looked up from his desk. "Come right in."

The door opened to reveal a meek-looking human maid with long dark hair. She walked up to the desk and handed the stack of papers to Die.

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