bonus chapter? pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Going into the food place this early in the day was good for me since my humans wouldn't be there; They were too busy being unconscious. The cabinet at the bottom corner of the food place was my favorite. Adding slight force to my movements, I lifted the strap securing the cabinet to the wall from its lock before nudging it open with ease. I stood on my hind legs, reaching my snout into the bag of kibble that was placed inside.


My humans were also kind of dumb. Why would they put the food at the bottom cabinet if they didn't want me to eat it? I got in trouble for doing it in the afternoon, so they put this dumb strap on it. Literally, all I had to do was press it a bit, then push it upwards, and boom! It's gone.

Do these guys think I'm stupid?? Well, I guess I'm just much smarter than them.

...I wish I could eat this with Kenma.


You know what?

Fuck owl man and macaroni-hair. I'm going to find that bitch.

Swallowing the fish-flavored kibble gnawing between my teeth, I could feel the docosahexaenoic acid filling up my body. I was now at least half full. I would need this energy on my main protagonist adventure to find my little Kenma baby. His image was still vivid in my mind; I've never really stopped thinking about him.

I closed the cabinet and re-secured the lock on it. I had no idea how the fuck I was going to get out of this apartment, which was now feeling like an insane asylum, but I was going to do it.

yeah that was easy, i just opened the window

It was already open very slightly, only letting a tiny bit of wind caress the fur on my feet. I pushed the see-through pane up, and holy shit that's the world

My furry cat head was just towering over the floor. Once I jumped down, I would be on my journey. It was far, far down, and I would need to survive great heights. I realized that once I decided to leap down, I probably wouldn't be able to get back up. Instead, I'd have to wait depressingly at the front of the apartment complex, waiting for my owners to bring me back up. And then, they'd put another dumb lock on the window.

oh well omegalul

and I bounced out the window.

and then, I landed on the floor. Wow, that was easy.

I've been outside plenty of times, just never without some human trailing my footsteps. It was kind of scary to be out here all by myself, but I wouldn't be by myself for long. I would be with Kenma.

he could be dead already but we're not going to think about that

Why didn't I think of coming out here myself to find him sooner? It was so fucking easy, I should have thought of this moons ago. Oh well. Twitching my ears, I was alert for any sound that might give Kenma away. Assumedly, he's been living in the wild, so he probably knows all kinds of things about stealth and stuff. Or he could have been taken in by some other human, but I highly doubt that since he's introverted as fuck. I figured that out myself.

The hard cement hurt my paws, and I scurried to the lush emerald grass beside it instead. The damp dew dolloped on the tiny blades wet my fur, sending a sweet petrichor scent wisping up to my nose. I've never been out here this early in the morning.

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