That One Time

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For the sake of this story, Eda can choose where in the human realm the portal opens up to but can't move the location once she's on the other side.


Luz's jaw dropped as she tried to process what Eda had just told her.

"Oh, close your mouth, you'll catch a fly," Eda scoffed. "What's so surprising about it anyway?"

Luz started, "Waitwaitwaitwaitwait, you're telling me that you, master conwoman of the Boiling Isles, who hates commitment, are married????"

"Was," Eda corrected. "We got divorced after, like, a week."

Luz snorted, "Ha, that's more like the Eda I know."

Luz waited patiently for Eda to elaborate, but the older woman just sat silently and drummed her fingers on the table.

So Luz prompted, "Well?"

Eda looked confused. "Well what?"

"Tell me about it!"

"Um, no thank you. It was not one of my finest hours, which is saying something because I'm fine all the time."

"Come on, Eda, pleeeeeaaase?" she begged.

"Ugh, fine, but only if you promise to never talk about it again."

"I promise!" Luz said eagerly.

Eda sighed and began.

"It was a long time ago, a few years after I'd gotten my hands on the portal. I was maybe twenty-five, thirty, and I had yet to break my habit of taking the occasional trip into the human realm to go on gambling sprees all over Vegas casinos."

Luz wasn't sure why that surprised her, but it did.

"Wait, I didn't know you've been to the human realm!"

"Kid, what would've been the point of having the portal if I never went through it? Do you wanna hear the story or not?"

"Okay, okay, point taken," Luz surrendered.

"As I was saying, I was on one of my casino sprints when I met him. He tried to pull a scam on me to get more winnings. Well, you know what I say."

"You can't scam a scammer," Luz nodded, filling in.

"Exactly. So I scammed him right back," Eda stated triumphantly. "It was love at first con."

"You mean, 'love at first sight'?"

"No. Moving on! We sat down together at the bar and exchanged some of our favorite scamming techniques—genuine bonding. Oh, he thought he was so slick, trying to pickpocket me while I was looking right at him! Guess he just couldn't accept that I hadn't outsmarted him. Wanted to even the score. So I set him up. I purposefully made myself an easy target so that he thought he could get away with stealing from me, but by the time he was done, I'd taken his whole wallet off of him!"

"Wow, you guys are like the same person."

"Yeah, that's what we thought too. We had this little charming banter thing going on, and one thing led to another and we hopped in his car and went to one of those drive-thru chapels after getting a license with fake IDs—at least, I used a fake ID. Never really thought about it much, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did too."

"Wait, so your entire hour-long relationship was built on lies and cons but you somehow thought a marriage would work out?"

"Hey, cut us some slack, it was a heat of the moment type thing, we just acted impulsively. That's what you're supposed to do in Vegas, isn't it?"

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