graphics winners

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So, Lyds is quite tired, so she'll be PM-ing your stickers shortly! It'd be very helpful if you could message her, Jells_, with the genre and place that you won. Thank you! Also, please make sure to thank the judges. Even though some didn't submit, the one's who did really saved her a lot of time. Finally, Merry Christmas to you all!! - Mareah



In first place is Ishvan Graphic Shop by akikoiskawaii with a score of 47.5/60!

Review: you certainly have a variety of styles within here and i can see that you've grown a lot as i look from your beginning entries to your later ones. you have some organization with the premade section and delivery section, although it could possibly be tidied up more? you have a grasp on the composition of graphics, making sure that they have dimension and you generally know where text should go and what font to use, which is always a plus. i can see you getting a lot further with more practice, and i hope to see more of your graphics in the future! – lyds/mareah

In second place is Little Shop of Covers Amongst Other Things by leiandre with a score of 43.5/60!

Review: i was decently surprised when i saw your graphics as i haven't seen your graphics book ever pop up in my feed before. compared to all the graphic shops with their strictly business, storytelling, try to be as aesthetic as possible, yours was a breath of fresh air. the gifs made me laugh, and it was fun looking through your shop. i've noticed that you generally have two styles, which isn't bad, but it's always fun to try out new ones. my favourite graphic of yours is definitely lilith. just, the text and the composition, it's gorgeous! i also love how you put in the steps you take to make a graphic, as a little bit of a tutorial. it's always nice to see the different ways designers design. you certainly know how to achieve the right mood, and how to match whatever genre you're given. footsteps in the snow is a really good example of that. i know that you aren't designing much anymore, but just know if you choose to, i can see you being a very good one! – lyds

In third place is Aesthete by itsjustfireflies with a score of 43/60!

Review: gods, you've grown a lot!! i absolutely adore your current theme. i've noticed that you're more proficient at blends and you make your way around trying out different styles of graphics. you have an organization system, but it gets a bit confusing. it's probably just me not used to it, but yea, a lot of numbers lol. it's nice seeing your style change and grow. i've seen you in several competitions and was actually the judge for a couple, and the improvement over time is certainly noticeable. your graphics hold a lot of potential, so keep practicing and i hope to see more of your work in the future! – lyds/mareah

Congrats to all the winners! And again, Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a lovely rest of the year. :)

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