Chapter 8: Confession

Start from the beginning

Jungkook crouched down, his hands wrapping around the back of his head while he tried to keep his tears at bay. He was frustrated with himself for ruining practice and for making so many mistakes. He knew he could've done better, he just needed to focus.

Taehyung approached him, patting the younger's shoulder to reassure him that everything would be alright. He took a step back when Namjoon walked over, deciding to give the two some privacy as he rushed to catch up with the other boys, who were slowly gathering their stuff and going over some things for tomorrow.

"Stop beating yourself up Jungkook-ah," Namjoon said, taking a seat on the floor in front of the younger man, who glanced up as soon as he heard his hyung's voice. "There's always tomorrow. Go home, shower, and clear your head, so that way, you're better prepared for rehearsals tomorrow," he advised.

Jungkook gulped, nodding while Namjoon offered him a smile, tousling his hair affectionately. Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle, taking a deep breath before pushing himself off the floor. "Thanks Namjoon hyung." The elder remained on the floor, a dimpled smile on his features as he nodded in response.

"Good luck tonight," the leader added just before Jungkook could walk away. "And if you need anything, just let me know." Jungkook grinned as he nodded in response, heading over to grab his duffle bag before waving to Namjoon as he left the practice room.


Jungkook glanced at his reflection in the mirror, fixing his hair in place. His black, red-tipped hair had been pushed back slightly, a bit of his forehead peeking out from a few stray locks that he kept pushing off to the side. He glanced at his outfit once more, settling on a plain, white button-up shirt hanging loosely over a pair of dark jeans. He rushed out of the bathroom, glancing around the room once more as a few candles were scattered about to set the mood, enveloping the room in a peachy scent.

He had already set the table, the warm food still sitting on the stove in the kitchen as he anxiously waited for Jordan to arrive.

Jordan had spent the whole day trying to decide what to do. She normally looked forward to her evenings with Jungkook, but after her conversation with Namjoon yesterday, she felt extremely nervous. Namjoon had texted her earlier in the day, but she didn't even know how to respond, not after what happened in the coffee shop yesterday. The disappointed expression on his face dwelled in her mind.

She knew she was running late when she finally gathered enough courage to go over to Jungkook's. She had gotten a text from him about ten minutes ago, questioning her absence. It took about fifteen minutes before she finally responded, making up a lie about having to shower before she let him know she would be there shortly.

She finally stood in front of his door, hand slightly shaking as she rapped her knuckles lightly against the door.

Upon hearing the sound, Jungkook immediately tensed up. He wiped his hands against his jeans before shaking them out. Taking a deep breath, a small smile broke out on his face as he rushed towards the door. He couldn't stop himself from leaning in closer to Jordan, and before he knew it, his lips were gently pressed against hers.

Jordan felt a small ripple in her stomach, this kiss different from all the others. This one was slow and sensual, a stark contrast to the usual rushed and sloppy kisses they shared. When she finally pulled away, she noticed the room was different too, the dim lighting setting a romantic aura which caused her heart to pound louder, the sound thrumming in her ears as she tried to push down the lump in her throat.

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