Chapter Five: Where Do I Put My Crown? I'm Done

Start from the beginning

Sighing, I let myself fall back into my chair. "I wanted to cry," I said honestly.

King Syrus chuckled. "Sometimes ruling can be like that. You have a problem in front of you and you see the solution, but convincing those around can be the hardest part. I believe that you are right, you do need to come. There is still a lot to discuss, but I think we are on the right path to bringing peace back to your kingdom," he said standing up. With a bow he made his exit.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see King Philip standing above me. "We'll get through this together. You, and all of Auroja will come out stronger," he said smiling down at me. "Now, why don't you head back to the compound. You don't need to be caught in any more discussions today. Talk to Erik about what we discuss and bring him tomorrow," he said.

Nodding, I stood up. "Thank you for standing beside me," I said.

"Always," he replied, giving me one more smile before we said our goodbyes.

Walking out of the council chamber I wasn't paying attention when I ran into someone. Looking up I saw Nikolai smiling down at me. His face quickly changed to concern when he saw my face. "Sam, what happened?" he asked.

Sighing I leaned into him. "Sometimes ruling sucks," I said. After a moment I stood up. "I just got done with a meeting with my council. We have a plan to go after La Fray, but it's not an easy one. Just lots of arguments and unsureness," I said.

"Want to talk about it?" he asked.

"I wish I could. I need an ear to vent. However, if I don't get back to the compound soon Erik will have my head," I said.

Nikolai chuckled. "I ran into Isabella and Morgan and heard about your night last night. I'm glad you found Morgan, but hate that you are in trouble. It was already hard enough getting time with you," he said.

"Want to walk Morgan and I back to the compound so we have more time?" I asked.

He nodded, slipping his hand into mine. "I would love that. I was actually tasked with informing you that Morgan had to head home. Isabella and one of the guards escorted her home so I guess that just leaves you and me," he explained.

"I'm okay with that," I said as we walked out of the castle.

"Wait! You are going to Nivetara? You are going after La Fray? You can't!" Nikolai said after I explained what the plan was.

"Nik, I have to. I have to see this come to an end," I sighed, not wanting to get into this again.

He shook his head. "Sam, it's too dangerous. Do you not remember what happened last time you faced La Fray?" he asked.

"Of course I do! Do you mean when he killed my biological parents? Or the time he sent his men to kill me and my village? Or the time La Fray sent small attacks throughout the kingdom drawing out and killing knights and Dragons? Or the time he almost killed Nate? Or Isabella or me? Or the time he sent Eliakim to kill me? Or how about my coronation where his hired men injured my people and killed Orion?" I said spinning on him. "Which time do you want me to remember? Which time do you want me to say this is someone else's battle?" I questioned, tears stinging my eyes.

"That's not what I'm saying! I get that La Fray wants you dead so he can have power. I understand you have lost so many people. However, there are people that can go in your place! People that have been trained for this," he argued.

Shaking my head, I swallowed the lump in my throat. "You don't get it Nikolai! You have never had your life and your peoples lives put in danger. You have lived as a prince your entire life yet faced no threat," I said holding up my hand when he tried to talk. "And I have been trained. My father was training me to rule since I was young. I have been trained as a Dragon for three years. I will not put anyone else's life at risk if I am not willing to risk my own."

"Sam, like you said you have only had three years of Dragon training. La Fray has been killing for longer than you've been alive. You almost died! You were lucky to get away when you faced him. Stop saying this is all your fault. La Fray would go against anyone to get power. There are other ways to stop him then recklessly running into the fire. Don't be stupid!" he said. His eyes widened when he realized what he just said. "Sam, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that," he said trying to grab my hand.

"You may not have meant to say it, but it's what you're thinking. I'm sorry if this doesn't fit your perfect idea," I whispered. Looking up I realized we were at the compound. "I have to go report to Erik. Good night, Nikolai," I said emotionless. I ignored his pleas and walked into the compound.

"Sam!" Alakay called, jogging over when he spotted me. "James said that he'd beat me in an arm wrestling contest. Wanna make a bet?" he asked. His face dropped when he saw mine. "Who hurt you?" he asked.

Trying to give him a smile I shook my head. "No one hurt me," I said.

"Now you're lying to me," he said, crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry Alakay. It was just a rough meeting. I have to go check in with Erik," I said, walking past him and into Erik's office. "I'm here," I stated.

Erik looked up, his smile disappearing quickly. He stood up and walked over to me. "Sam, what happened?" he asked.

"King Syrus offered to escort a group of Dragons and knights to Nivetara when he goes in three weeks. It will be our chance to smooth things over with Nivetara and get La Fray. Not everyone agreed," I said.

He shook his head. "That's not what I'm talking about right now, Sam. You are upset from more than just the meeting," he said, placing a hand under my chin and bringing my head up. "What happened?" he asked again with a softer edge.

Biting my bottom lip I tried to keep the frustration and tears away. "Hardly anyone thinks I have what it takes to bring La Fray down. They think I'm just a child... and Nikolai was one of them," I said the tears pushing their way through.

"I'm sure Nikolai was just worried about your safety," Erik said, pulling me into a hug.

"He called me stupid, said that I didn't have the training and was just being wreckless," I whispered my fist balling around Erik's shirt.

"Oh Sam," Erik said, rubbing my back. "Chloe is in the living area, go talk to her," he said.

While still in his embrace I nodded my head. "Thank you," I said as he released me, but kept one hand on my shoulder.

"Just for the record, Sam, I know you have what it takes," he said, releasing my shoulder and sending me for the comfort my sister would give.

Chloe looked up as I entered.

"Where do I put my crown? I'm done," I said falling into her arms.

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