Chapter Six: Your Real!

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The following morning Erik and I were in the castle halls heading for the council chamber. Last night, I had stayed with Chloe even when my brothers had come to check on me. Sighing, I shook my head trying to find the strength I knew I would need.

"I'm right here, Sam," Erik said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Ruling is hardest when you try to do it alone," he said.

Nodding my head I gave him a slight smile. "As a Dragon, I'm never alone," I said.

He smiled down at me. "Right, never alone. Even when you want to be you're always going to be stuck with us," he chuckled.

My shoulders relaxed as he spoke. The Dragons had done more for me then I thought possible. They not only trained me, but gave me the family that I needed to make it through all that had been and was to come. "Sam!" I heard Nikolai call from behind. My shoulders tensed, not ready to face him.

"Why don't you go on ahead. I'll speak to Nikolai," Erik said, giving my shoulder a light squeeze.

"Don't kill him. We were both overwhelmed about the situation," I said, knowing that this is where the brotherly side of Erik kicked in.

Erik smiled. "Don't worry, Sam. I won't kill him. I'm just going to have a little chat. Head on in, I'll be right there," he said, gently shoving me towards the council chamber. He then turned and walked towards Nikolai.

I almost felt bad for Nikolai, almost. Taking a deep breath, I kept my eyes forward, pushed my shoulders back, and walked into the council chamber.

"So it's agreed. When my men and I travel for Nivetara the fifteen remaining spots will be filled by you and your men," King Syrus said after four hours of conversation.

"Yes, eight of those will be knights to keep up appearance for when we visit the royal family, the other six will be decided upon by Erik and myself," I said, knowing that it would be Dragons who would be going. Sir Gregory went to question the plan again but was silenced by my look. "Thank you, King Syrus for your generous offer and thank you to the rest of you for working with us to find a plan to bring peace back to Auroja," I said. "We will meet again to finalize plans once we know who is going. Sir Gregory, please get a list to me by the end of tomorrow with the eight knights that will be accompanying us," I said, not waiting for him to respond before standing. "Thank you for your loyalty and time," I said. Those around the table stood and bowed their heads with echoes of "your majesty." Then I turned and walked out of the room.

Erik and I were walking back through the halls when Nikolai appeared. I went to turn around and walk the other way, but Erik blocked my exit. "Listen to him. I'll see you in a half hour at the compound," he said. Looking at Erik with betrayal, I glared at him as he turned me around. "Remember, you hurt her, you face the Dragons," he said, then turned and walked away.

Neither of us said anything for a bit. I couldn't meet his eyes. I knew he was waiting for me to look at him, to respond to his presence, but I wasn't ready. With my eyes to the ground I saw his feet slowly moving towards me. Then I felt his hand reach out and take mine, I didn't pull away, but I didn't respond either.

"Sam, look at me," Nikolai pleaded. Slowly I looked up trying to keep my emotions at bay, but with Nikolai very little was hidden. He sighed as he moved closer. "I'm sorry, Sam. I messed up yesterday. You already had a lot on your plate and my yelling didn't help," he said. He waited for me to say something, but I remained silent. "It's not that I don't trust you in going, especially with the Dragons," he said, taking my hand and looking at my ring. "It's just you aren't only the queen, but my fiancée. I don't want to lose you," he said.

The Hidden Princess: Kingdom's Fate (book three)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن