Miranda gasped and stood in her place watching him. She caught Ben’s eyes for a split second before she turned on her heels and walk back In the other direction.

“Miranda.” Ben called out after her.

“You still going after her Ben.” Kimberly yelled grabbing his arm.

Miranda had a good mind to turn around and give her the business but she refrained listening to what Richard said.

“Get off of me Kim. I told you I love her.” Ben said snatching his arm off but Miranda kept walking as fast as her feet would allow her.

When she reached the lobby of the hospital, she saw Ben on her trail not knowing what to do she pushed through the doors and walked out side.

“Shit.” Miranda said as it was pouring down out side. She didn’t even have the keys to her car. Miranda crossed her arms and stood.

“Miranda?” Ben questioned looking out of the hospital door.

“Mi-ran-da !” Ben yelled.

“What Ben, stop calling my dam name.” Miranda said getting angry. She was trying to cool down and as much as she wanted him an hour ago, he was infuriating her now.

“Miranda that wasn’t- Miranda I didn’t-

Miranda held her hand up.

“You were in there with that woman and she walked out putting her shirt on.”  Miranda said looking up at him.

“And I don’t even know why I am upset, you kissed me but you never said that you wanted to be with me.”

“What!? Miranda I said I still want you.”

Miranda looked up at him as the rain poured down over them. “I thought that was because I said no sex in the o.r. I declared my love for you and you never shared yours so how was I supposed to know and if you want me then why did you leave with her and she came out of that room with her shirt off.” Miranda asked loudly, frustrated.

“Miranda I love you and I want you. There I said it. I will never stop wanting you. I want to be with you and have everything you said with you. I went with her because you actually split the woman’s lip. She needed stiches. The reason her shirt was off was because she had blood on the front of her shirt and she changed it.
Ben grabbed her hand not holding it but examining it.

He was trying to figure out, how a woman with such short hands could actually reach up and smack a woman plus splitting her lip. It was the most bizarre thing he had ever saw and he was curious as to how much power she possess.

“What are you doing.” Miranda asked as he looked at the purple bruise and swelling.

“ You split the woman’s bottom lip with the back of your hand. It’s wasn’t a punch but a slap, I’m just amazed.” Ben said but he really did feel bad for the woman.

“So are we a thing now.” Miranda asked.

“Oh we are a thing. Since you proposed to me and all.”

“I did not propose to you “Miranda said laughing loudly.

“Well what do you call it. You said that you loved me and I could have a wife and kids and a family. Sounds like a proposal to me.” Ben said shrugging his shoulders.

She loved him so much. They were the craziest together. Standing together in the pouring rain laughing together.

“What ever.” Miranda said hitting his arm and then wincing from her hand that burned.

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