The driver of the oncoming car also climbed out, unhurt.

They disappeared from view and Caitlyn continued racing through the country roads, both of us breathless and silent as our hearts galloped with the car.

About twenty minutes later, we hit the streets of another village, at the end of which, was a little tourist's visitor centre.

She lowered the speed and peeled into the centre's car-park, cutting the engine and throwing herself out hissing,

"Come on, we can't waste any time,"

I clambered out, moaning slightly and limping.

She sprayed the car with petrol, pouring it over all of the seats and exterior.

"To that car." She hissed, nodding towards a bummer of a wreck in the corner of the car park.

"You've got to be kidding me?" I questioned, limping towards it as she trailed the petrol over the ground.

"There isn't a GPS, it's virtually untraceable..." She explained as she struck a match and dropped it onto the petrol at our feet.

It was then that I noticed a crow-bar under her arm, and I realised just how prepared she was.

"I've been surveying the neighbouring villages for months," She explained as she propped the crowbar to the car and broke into the driver's side. A moment later, the SUV went up in flames and she'd opened the passenger door for me.

"There's an old guy who drinks in the pub across the road, he lives in there," She nodded to the cottage next-door to the centre. "And his wife owns the centre, that's her jag in the drive," I whistled under my breath and a moment later, she'd hot-wired the car and the engine roared to life.

"She won't let him part with his beamer, even if he only drives it to the next village over every now-and-again."

"How will you know it'll take us where you want it to?" I questioned and she smiled.

"I've already tested it, don't worry, this beauty will take us where we need to go, and beyond." She patted the dashboard as she peeled out of the car-park, the crackling engine a cause for concern.

We drove to the very edge of the village where I realised there was an entrance to the motorway.

At this time in the morning, there were no other cars on the road, and so Caitlyn was able to peel effortlessly onto the motorway and push the beamer to its maximum.

"Okay..." I said after a long silence. "Care to tell me what the fuck is going on?"

She fidgeted in her seat, licking her lips and clearing her throat. She was paranoid and kept looking in all of her mirrors, staring into every window of the rare car that passed us by.

She nodded to the glove-compartment.

"There are some pain killers and water in there," She explained. "Take them," I opened the compartment and sure as fate, there were some pills and water, some energy and protein bars for good measure. "There's a change of clothes in the back. When we get to the next service station, you can change when we switch cars."

"We're switching cars?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm getting you to the border. There are people there who will get you overseas."

"People? Overseas? What are you talking about?"

I swallowed the tablets, my throat hurting as much as my body and mind.

"If all goes wrong, there's an address there. I need you to get there as quickly as possible, don't trust anybody, don't ask questions, and don't come back."

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